Level 49
to level 50

Lucky Loser

If i didn't know you, I'd make you up.
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This player has been modded by the community

here +play Rowdyazell 11:56 PM, Sunday August 5, 2012 EDT
Rebanned -play KDICEMOD 2:37 PM, Tuesday July 10, 2012 EDT
Unban requested! +play KDICEMOD 2:02 PM, Tuesday July 10, 2012 EDT
One time at BANNED camp -play Rowdyazell 11:53 AM, Tuesday July 10, 2012 EDT
you're lucky. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post +re-register Hero Of Time 1:57 PM, Saturday September 3, 2011 EDT
for being such a loser -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -re-register Hero Of Time 1:57 PM, Saturday September 3, 2011 EDT
By request of player +changeAvatar +chat +play +post Amber Dyer 4:55 PM, Saturday July 23, 2011 EDT
Banned by request -changeAvatar -chat -play -post Amber Dyer 10:24 PM, Sunday July 17, 2011 EDT
Rehabilitation process number 2 is now complete and it would seem that Lucky is ready to face the gaming world with a whole new attitude. +play Rage1313 12:46 PM, Saturday March 26, 2011 EDT
Well... I just hate being left out. So, I too must ban the almighty Lucky Loser. -play Rage1313 12:45 PM, Saturday March 26, 2011 EDT
I think he's ready to make a reappearance to the world. The rehabilitation process seems to have done wonders. I think he might even be an unlucky winner now! (Unbanning requested ban) +play +post PM325 11:49 PM, Sunday June 20, 2010 EDT
This guy....... Apparently it was my turn. Requested Ban. Let him loose whenever he's ready. -play -post PM325 11:30 PM, Saturday June 12, 2010 EDT
Test +play MOCOM 10:54 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
Test -play MOCOM 10:54 PM, Saturday November 28, 2009 EST
He is evidently no longer badass. +play Vermont 2:42 PM, Wednesday November 18, 2009 EST
FOR BEING A BADASS MOTHERFUCKER (Banned per player's request, for the reason above. It may even be true.) -play Vermont 8:17 PM, Tuesday November 3, 2009 EST
Time served +play KDICEMOD 3:11 PM, Tuesday September 8, 2009 EDT
PGA with DLK -------- -play for 7 days -play KDICEMOD 6:26 PM, Monday August 31, 2009 EDT
Ban period reduced, able to play. +play Lei 9:37 PM, Tuesday November 18, 2008 EST
Banned for a week until the 24th November due to cheating. -play Lei 7:23 PM, Sunday November 16, 2008 EST

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This cheater enters into PGAs.
alta_eos on Monday August 24, 2009
Next time dont ask for position , just flag if you have to
danigman on Tuesday August 18, 2009
needs to be BANNED again. flagged to me. then screwed me over. i don't know why everyone at the upper tables are assholes. but i know they are. BAN him.
jwmill01 on Tuesday August 18, 2009
rainman_104 on Tuesday August 18, 2009
A splendid player that kdice needs more of. At first, I thought it was a little strange to have a "open" kdice homosexual, yet soon I warmed up to the idea and he really gave some insight into the homosexual world. He answered questions openly and honestly, and really changed a lot of minds of people I feel. With more homosexuals like himself coming clean and just letting the world know what is TRUE and what is MYTH really helps grow understanding. I applaud you for your openess with us here at kdice and wish you and your fiance' Greg the best of luck in the future!
IIlIIIIIll on Tuesday August 18, 2009
Backstabber, is PGA with tsvotot
DiceMaster2 on Monday August 17, 2009
he gives good review leave him alone
YellowCow on Sunday August 16, 2009
You probably meant to write beware on the wall of the L who just wrote on yours. At least, I assume so. : /
lIlllIlIIl on Sunday August 16, 2009
Backstabbed me after i helped him kill a guy....DO NOT TRUST
IIIlllllll on Sunday August 16, 2009
PGA...again... with Better and another idiot on 100 tables. Its pretty bad when you have to 3 man PGA on 100 tables. Get a life you tool
IIIllIIIll on Friday August 14, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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