![]() Level 17
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brentgThis player has been modded by the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. A neo-Nazi who spews anti-Semitic filth and comes into games with pre-game alliances with fellow racists. Doesn't try to win, just attempts to knock out any "inferior race" players
MistaGERMAD on Saturday February 13, 2010 how can you abuse people like this...
tchibao on Wednesday June 3, 2009 A neo-Nazi who spews anti-Semitic filth and comes into games with pre-game alliances with fellow racists. Doesn't try to win, just attempts to knock out any "inferior race" players
brentg on Saturday May 30, 2009 Spams room, talks in caps. Real annoying.
MarquisDaniels on Saturday May 30, 2009 cunt of the month. another prick i will avoid
MrMcCartney on Saturday May 30, 2009 fucking idiot dont respect flag
H0ST on Friday May 29, 2009 he flagged, said it was temperary, then killed me?! WHAT A FUCKING DOUCHE!! flags are not temperary!!!!! KILL THIS MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!
Eyvindwolf on Friday May 29, 2009 can't even come up with something original besides calling people neo-nazis
leeeroy jenkins on Friday May 29, 2009 Dunno if he's a bad player or not... but he sure is obnoxious as hell...
vvp317 on Friday May 29, 2009 idiot. flags and then attempts a revolt. and failed >.< quite the retard
hokansoc on Thursday May 28, 2009 |