Level 64
to level 65

Mrs. M

Yes, I'm a crybaby-coz I hate to get tricked when I try to play fair#Yes, I'm a sore loser-coz I don't give my kill to ppl who tricked me#Yes, I'm a bad player- coz I like fair play more than screwing for no gain#Yes, I'm a bitch-coz sometimes I pay back
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This player has been modded by the community

Time served +changeAvatar +chat +play +post Bone-Roller 2:20 PM, Monday July 26, 2010 EDT
PGA with Terracotas. Warned previously, now 1 week ban. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post Bone-Roller 2:33 AM, Saturday July 17, 2010 EDT

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 71 - 80 of 596 Next › Last »

One of the noble few in kdice that stands for what is right, defying cheaters and prevailing despite them. I wish I got a chance to play with more players like Mrs. M.
Roguerunner on Saturday August 29, 2015
very honourable
ojosdehuever on Friday August 28, 2015
Always crying and cant lose, but still always loses... your doing something wrong
c5a on Friday August 28, 2015
Angry player. Condescending attitude to several players. Claimed flags after starting to lose against us two smaller players, and whined about it. Two players with no contiguous territories playing against the lead position isn't a PGA. Do I have to teach you that, even after you've played long enough for 542 mostly negative reviews? Wow.
richweb on Wednesday August 26, 2015
48430934809 on Sunday August 9, 2015
very amusing to watch this kid being a troll.
Tippy G on Thursday August 6, 2015
whiny fat old cunt
heraclitus on Sunday August 2, 2015
thank you very much for explaining what to do on the 500 table saved me points. again thanks
greenhands on Friday July 24, 2015
biggest piece of kdice-shit. pointwhore of its worst. manipulating and untrustworthy trashplayer. would even sell his granny if he could gain some more points then. this was clearly the last time i was trying to see something good in your game - be sure you won't fool me again. you are nothing but a worthless clown - thats why you have to use that way of playing coz otherwise you wouldn't win a single point. can't believe i ever liked and respected you. unbelievable someone like you gets a "+" - for serving your country? maybe you did something good in rl, which i highly doubt according to your kdice-asshole-behaviour, but for sure you did nothing good to kdice.
Drucifer85 on Friday July 24, 2015
I'm sorry that you feel that you should be allowed to constantly verbally insult people without anyone from feeling like they can talk back to you.
chasab on Monday July 13, 2015
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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