Level 64
to level 65

Mrs. M

Yes, I'm a crybaby-coz I hate to get tricked when I try to play fair#Yes, I'm a sore loser-coz I don't give my kill to ppl who tricked me#Yes, I'm a bad player- coz I like fair play more than screwing for no gain#Yes, I'm a bitch-coz sometimes I pay back
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Time served +changeAvatar +chat +play +post Bone-Roller 2:20 PM, Monday July 26, 2010 EDT
PGA with Terracotas. Warned previously, now 1 week ban. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post Bone-Roller 2:33 AM, Saturday July 17, 2010 EDT

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Danke ! nice to play with you too
raist26 on Saturday June 7, 2014
tyla on Saturday June 7, 2014
Let me stack for 1vs1, great player =)
Orthros on Sunday June 1, 2014
pga with r0nin
LilliFee1 on Wednesday May 21, 2014
Das hatte ich noch in den chat geschrieben, aber Du warst schon weg: HeavyMetalManiac: frag mal dug, ob er es überhaupt für möglich hält, dass ich pgae; der kennt mich nämlich ziemlich gut HeavyMetalManiac: der ist übrigens online, das sehe ich in meiner friends-liste, in der Du übrigens auch bist, wie ich gerade sehe HeavyMetalManiac: weil ich dein faires Spiel schätze. Wieso sollte ich das tun, wenn ich ein Arschloch wäre und also auf fairness scheißen würde?
HeavyMetalManiac on Monday May 19, 2014
cries. a lot.
5er on Wednesday May 14, 2014
i feel sad for her life. maybe she might end it soon, would be better.
Da Frog on Sunday May 4, 2014
pga: qwic & Mrs. M
Cirdan on Friday May 2, 2014
You have got to be the single most butthurt, pathetic person ever to play this game.
sawwaveanalog on Friday May 2, 2014
comically easy to frustrate this person - and he gets real vile once you've done it. sore loser :)
sliponmypoo on Thursday May 1, 2014
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