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Do not trust this fuck.
Mr. Anderson on Friday May 17, 2013
Not particularly bright, but harmless.
subruncinator on Monday April 22, 2013
Nice guy ;)
Mike93 on Saturday April 20, 2013
retiy on Monday April 15, 2013
Haha I trolled that guy so hard that posted the chat. Had a great time doing it too.
Crazydo2 on Tuesday March 12, 2013
u mad bro?
@SKaradeg on Tuesday February 19, 2013
2013-02-16 Crazydo2 is a Level 13 chat jerk. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. I am yellow. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++ +++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ Crazydo2: Hey ---------- Crazydo2: Hey ---------- Crazydo2: hey ---------- Crazydo2: heY ---------- Crazydo2: hEy ---------- 3.14159: hay ---------- 3.14159: oats ---------- 3.14159: barley ---------- 3.14159: wheat ---------- 3.14159: sorgham [Note: Typo. "Sorghum" is correct.] ---------- Crazydo2: Does daddy fuck you good? ########## [Note: Crazydo2 thinks that shows off his wit. Really, he does.] ---------- 3.14159: you eat with that mouth? ---------- 3.14159: don't be a lame chat jerk, green ---------- Crazydo2: What? That was a serious question ########## [Note: I believe Crazydo2--to HIM that is a "serious" question.] ---------- Crazydo2: How old are you? ---------- Crazydo2: Sup yellow ---------- Crazydo2: Hey ---------- 3.14159: hay ---------- 3.14159: oats ---------- Crazydo2: hEy ---------- Crazydo2: Sourgun ---------- Marsopa: flag blue ---------- 3.14159: round 4 is too early to give or receive flags--bad for the game ---------- Crazydo2: Yeah no kidding. Fuck off. ########## ---------- Crazydo2: Pussy bitch. ########## ---------- 3.14159: brilliant! ---------- Prof Chaos is here ---------- Crazydo2: Does your daddy fuck you good? ########## ---------- 3.14159: are you always a chat jerk Crazy or just this game? ---------- Crazydo2: What is a chat jerk? ---------- 3.14159: you ---------- 3.14159: d'uh ---------- Crazydo2: Dude what the fuck. Fuck you. I thought we were cool. ########## ---------- 3.14159: you aren't very bright, Crazy ---------- 3.14159: you chat jerks are all pretty dumb, but YOU... ---------- 3.14159: you really scrape the bottom ---------- Crazydo2: What is a chat jerk? Someone who asks real questions? ---------- Crazydo2: How old are you? 12? ---------- Crazydo2: Can't take an adult word? ---------- 3.14159: ah, an old chat jerk who is back for more ---------- 3.14159: GREAT! ---------- 3.14159: Crazy is probably Drucifer is probably poudendum etc ---------- Crazydo2: You suck fucking dick. I'm about to put my hands around your neck and squeeze. Watch this next turn. ########## ---------- Marsopa: need to pass ---------- 3.14159: all the chat jerks have to change names all the time ---------- Crazydo2: Later ---------- 3.14159: they make SO many enemies...; ---------- Crazydo2: Pussy ########## ---------- 3.14159: that they cadn't use the same name too many times in a row ---------- Crazydo2: Watch me win. Loser. ---------- 3.14159: Crazy will be Crazydo3 next ---------- 3.14159: then Crazydo4 ---------- Prof Chaos: pi do you have any positive reviews? ---------- Crazydo2: Me and all my friends are crazydo1-100 ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks do that all the time ---------- Prof Chaos: you are an ass to everyone ---------- Prof Chaos: lol ---------- 3.14159: of course you do ---------- 3.14159: another chat jerk heard from ---------- 3.14159: Prof Chaos ---------- 3.14159: you guys are 3% of Kdicers... ---------- Prof Chaos: do you ever have anything else to say ---------- 3.14159: but you are the cockroaches... ---------- Crazydo2: Why are you getting so upset? Is it because you lost? ---------- 3.14159: messing up more than your fair share of stuff ---------- Prof Chaos: anything half way intelligent ---------- 3.14159: i am not upset at all... ---------- Crazydo2: I go to Vanderbilt... ########## ########## ########## [Note: Whether it is true or not it is VERY funny that he thinks we would be impressed by that. Only a fan of SEC football would think of Vanderbilt as a school that would impress strangers on the Internet.] ---------- 3.14159: this is my job... ---------- Prof Chaos: he's a troll ---------- Marsopa: need to pass blue sry ---------- Crazydo2: Flag blue ---------- Prof Chaos: but a stupid troll ---------- 3.14159: you are the garbage, Crazy, and i am the garbage man ---------- ihadavan: flag green ---------- 3.14159: the garbage man does not get mad at the garbage ---------- 3.14159: you are the garbage ---------- Crazydo2: I attend Vanderbilt University ########## ########## ########## [Note: AGAIN he thinks that is impressive!?! Wow.] ---------- Crazydo2: So the jokes on you [Note: He meant "joke's" as in "joke is."] ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt!?! ---------- 3.14159: and he is PROUD! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: he couldn't get into a good school ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt!?! ---------- Crazydo2: What Elementary school do you attend? ---------- 3.14159: pathetic ---------- 3.14159: Yale ---------- Crazydo2: Lol fag ########## [Note: "Fag" and "homo" and "gay" are all at the top of the Chat Jerk Vocabulary List. It is their favorite "insult."] ---------- 3.14159: "fag"!!!!!! ---------- 3.14159: i win ---------- Prof Chaos: he's the janitor ---------- 3.14159: and you are the trash, Prof ---------- 3.14159: right ---------- 3.14159: you are the 3% ---------- Crazydo2: You suck fuck ########## ---------- Crazydo2: Pussy ########## ---------- Prof Chaos: lol ---------- 3.14159: "lol"? really? ---------- Crazydo2: My family's last name is Jobs. My Dad's name was Steve ---------- 3.14159: you laughed out loud at that? ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- Crazydo2: Flag blue ---------- Prof Chaos has left ---------- 3.14159: i make kdice better for everyone; you make kdice worse for everyone, Crazy ---------- 3.14159: don't sulk about it ---------- Crazydo2: Why? People think I'm hilarious ---------- 3.14159: you are a chat jerk ---------- Crazydo2: What does that mean? ---------- 3.14159: but most people won't tell you so ---------- 3.14159: they don't want your "attention" ---------- 3.14159: as if an idiot like you were worth worrying about ---------- Crazydo2: Does your daddy fuck you good? ########## ---------- Crazydo2: Are you asian? ---------- 3.14159: i've beaten you over and over at the chat game in just a few minutes ---------- 3.14159: you are a pathetic chat jerk for a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt!!!!! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- Crazydo2: Im in first place ---------- Crazydo2: Look at this destructin ---------- Marsopa: with that luck ---------- Crazydo2: You are out ---------- Marsopa: ... ---------- 3.14159: at being a chat jerk? yes ---------- 3.14159: Crazy CARES where he finishes -- wow ---------- Crazydo2: Play to win ---------- 3.14159: that is pathetic even for a Vanderbilt (lol) boy ---------- Crazydo2: I also like to finish on the tits and mouth ---------- 3.14159: "play to win" excuses all his bad behavior--in his own mind ---------- 3.14159: Crazy can't help it--he goes to (smirk) Vanderbilt ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt!?! wow ---------- 3.14159: and he was SO proud of it ---------- 3.14159: so lame ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt was his "reach" school! ---------- Crazydo2: You know what? Let's meet up and I'll beat the fuck out of you ########## [Note: Lose your cool much, Crazydo2? I win.] ---------- 3.14159: he goes to a school that sucks and thinks himself lucky ---------- 3.14159: will you? ---------- 3.14159: at Vanderbilt!?! ---------- 3.14159: my maid went to Vanderbilt ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt!?! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: i can't believe he brought that up as if to show off ---------- 3.14159: "i go to VANDERBILT"--so lame ---------- Crazydo2: Got to be proud of what you do ---------- 3.14159: YOU do--Vanderbilt WOULD make YOU proud ---------- 3.14159: it was a reach for you ---------- 3.14159: Vanderbilt would be a safety school for anyone in my family ---------- 3.14159: but no one would really attend, of course ---------- 3.14159: why would anyone do that? ---------- 3.14159: you done, Crazy? ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongue? ---------- 3.14159: i thought so ---------- Crazydo2: I can crush you physically ########## [Note: And his father can beat up my father? Over the Internet?] ---------- 3.14159: another big win for me ---------- 3.14159: can you? over the Internet? cool ---------- 3.14159: try it right now ---------- 3.14159: nope, i'm not feeling it Crazy ---------- 3.14159: try again ---------- 3.14159: nope, still nothing ---------- Somewhat Skilled: julito you lost man give it a rest ---------- 3.14159: you done again? ---------- 3.14159: you through Crazy? ---------- 3.14159: i thought so ---------- 3.14159: you lose over and over to me ---------- Somewhat Skilled: whats your deal ---------- 3.14159: and how could you no--you go to (smirk) Vanderbilt??? ---------- Crazydo2: I emerge victorious ---------- Crazydo2: I won ---------- Crazydo2: And you didn't ---------- Crazydo2: So in the world of kdice ---------- Crazydo2: You suck ---------- 3.14159: giving up again ---------- 3.14159: down to "you suck"? wow ---------- 3.14159: pathetic ---------- 3.14159: you really have nothing ---------- Crazydo2: Does daddy fuck you good? ########## ---------- Crazydo2: Are you asian? ---------- 3.14159: you KEEP saying that as if it were new!!!! wow ---------- 3.14159: you are REALLY pathetic ---------- Crazydo2: I hope you're ready for my cousin, crazydo56 ---------- Crazydo2: He goes to Yale and I'm having him look you up ---------- 3.14159: you don't have a cousin at Yale--NO ONE who has a relative at Vanderbilt is smart enough to have a relative at Yale ---------- Crazydo2: That doesn't make sense ---------- 3.14159: the guy who serves me at McDonald's went to Vanderbilt ---------- Crazydo2: Being smart has nothing to do with who your cousin is ---------- 3.14159: being smart has nothing to do with YOUR family, i know that ---------- 3.14159: well, you have nothing new right? ---------- 3.14159: you are done Crazy? ---------- 3.14159: good ---------- 3.14159: you were never worth much time, of course... ---------- 3.14159: but it is easy to beat you at the chat game while i watch tv ---------- 3.14159: so why not beat you over and over? so i did ---------- Crazydo2: Except I went to Vanderbilt because I'm lazy. My highschool GPA was a 6.0 and my SAT was a 2400 ########## [Note: Anyone believe that, Dear Readers? I didn't think so.] ---------- Crazydo2: I just wanted to kick back ---------- Crazydo2: For once in my life ---------- 3.14159: riiiiiiight ---------- Crazydo2: What does this have to do with kdice? ---------- Crazydo2: I beat you ---------- Crazydo2: Just remember that ---------- Crazydo2: You asswipe virgin. ########## ---------- 3.14159: brilliant! ----------
3.14159 on Saturday February 16, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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