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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 10:51 AM, Friday November 11, 2011 EST by jurgen
thank you for all your time that you dedicated to modding KDice

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very nice person
TheONLYprophet on Monday February 16, 2009
good, fair player. kdice would be better if everyone played in the same spirit
andy3box on Monday February 16, 2009
necromonger on Saturday February 14, 2009
killing a strong player together with the others just for fun. very unfair, i think.
sebaj on Friday February 13, 2009
PGA with Hardcoretraceur and Kitty Campbell. See here: http://kdice.com/discussion/topics/44772806
Grue on Wednesday February 11, 2009
Seems like a nice guy. Doesn't take things too seriously.
N.Chamberlin on Monday February 9, 2009
can't believe you guys played 8 hours in a single day?XD
Strogatz on Sunday February 8, 2009
After an 8 hours' kdice run i can responsibly claim Myr is a fair player and a nice guy to play with. Sometimes too nice for his own good (reminder: FIRST strike THEN ask, myr :-))
Embair on Saturday February 7, 2009
Miriad truces if possible. In my case, he accused me trucing with neihgbour then I figthed all the time that neihgbour. After that he and his friends countered our "truce". Actually it was not countering but pseudo trucing. I was made to go from very strong 1st possition to 4th. Even my neihgbour got 3rd :)
Waldz on Saturday February 7, 2009
Great player. Decent and fair with a good sense of humor.
slowdive on Saturday February 7, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary