Level 40
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respectful and good player.
dimarzio on Friday April 15, 2011
sits almost all game and then ask for a roll off, youre really a cunt bitch.
papito1900 on Friday February 11, 2011
one of the most ignorant people i've met. absolutely clueless about how to play.
Linssen on Tuesday February 8, 2011
bobbidothechef on Tuesday September 7, 2010
good player. plays well and plays fair.
ldo on Friday August 27, 2010
Just played a game with with him where I took his lands after he flagged cause I didnt see his flag thus costing him 2nd place. Just wanna say sorry and that he seems like a respectable player because he didnt rage out over it.
Jenkies on Tuesday August 10, 2010
backstabbing asshole i had a real flag and he went and tried to kill me cause I also flagged to another player, way to go you idiot
akwroc on Sunday July 25, 2010
Great player.
Rowen on Tuesday July 20, 2010
Good player, great gal. Yay for west coast islanders! \o/
rainspirit on Monday June 21, 2010
one of the good guys... passed up a chance to 2 vs 1 me and took the moral high ground... honor, a rare thing in Kdice, gg bro :)
ebb on Tuesday May 4, 2010
XSketch - Pictionary Online
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