![]() Level 78
to level 79 |
BaNaTAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Fair, nice and clever
avesano on Friday November 12, 2021 Fair player
Aleksa_bre on Sunday October 3, 2021 yo mama
Dude111 on Tuesday June 8, 2021 Kill on sight
Ehrnrooth on Sunday February 14, 2021 @bajohazard - banned proxy of Kurton;
@ titanic cut me in peaces and flags, before expecting me not to connect before the other guy didnt flag to me.. At least i prevented you from backstabbing me;
@ gtzlat - http://kdice.com/games/85367913 BaNat admitted his connection to CF; http://kdice.com/games/85352680 proxies on 2000 table?? the links you posted are proof against you (name in the game unknown...)1) you say there that you gonna help proxies to get gold. 2) you log in to help proxies as i was destroieng them. 3)you are the man behind banned City Fighter, because you stopped play with the other accounts as you started to play CF. and now since this acc is banned you play with other accs. f.e. jaja. 4) you stabbed your other acc in the tourney with your CF acc, so that ppl think you are not him, you promised pge, but didnt even go to higher table with this acc. You played just with CF there. no PGE noticed. 5) you changed your strategy with CF at least twice. a) you played noob player who doesnt know anything about bivo b) then you started to be manipulative like you always were. like being 3 rd to propose roll for 1th. c) after this didnt work you started to play an angry person, who trying to kill davilfs? for no recognizable reson..
BaNaT on Wednesday November 13, 2019 http://kdice.com/games/85367913 BaNat admitted his connection to CF; http://kdice.com/games/85352680 proxies on 2000 table??
gtzlat on Friday November 8, 2019 asshole play again and again
titanic on Monday September 2, 2019 @ titanic cut me in peaces and flags,
before expecting me not to connect before the other guy didnt flag to me.. At least i prevented you from backstabbing me;
BaNaT on Sunday September 1, 2019 PGA or Proxy of Panzerred ! Lame!
bajohazard on Monday August 19, 2019 PGA with blue
Oh please dont on Thursday July 11, 2019 |