Level 53
to level 54 |
gontisThis player has 1 contributions to the community
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Reviews 101 - 104 of 104
Josey Wales on Saturday July 19, 2008 Throws a tantrum at people when they attack him -- despite him being the only one of 6 players left who didn't flag. You might find that if you ninja your flag off others who respected flags that stronger players will take exception to this.
indigo9 on Saturday July 19, 2008 dont play with this guy ...hes the unrightest person you can play with... short: ass
warum auch nicht on Wednesday July 2, 2008 nyctalope's turn
gontis defended 8v4, 21 to 24, (1,1,2,5,3,2,3,4 to 6,6,6,6)
prk on Wednesday June 25, 2008 |