Level 48
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SeaHawk!This player has been modded by the community
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Rogpog on Sunday June 14, 2009 Apparently supports the raping of little boys by Catholic priests. I am not making this shit up...
Anal Chlamydia on Sunday June 14, 2009 Does not honor flags.
Gleekin on Thursday June 11, 2009 PGA with fiero600
Magic Roundabout on Friday June 5, 2009 This guy's a little unstable. Apparently PGA with Dr J? Anyway, doesn't honor flags. Doesn't quite get the larger game.
waykreid on Thursday June 4, 2009 kill this guy at the begining.he is not normal
pga with dr j.
i think mom doesn t like him and punish him his all the time, so he has brain trauma.
no honor and respect for others
i will be his pge always
Borko on Thursday June 4, 2009 poor guy whined his way to 8th and only top 7 got points. SHEZAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bitch
*Shezmu* on Friday May 29, 2009 Lies as a reason to fuck people over to gain points in tournies, simple but sadly, an effective plan. Has a tendency to revolt and go against his word too.
scobomb on Thursday May 28, 2009 does not respect flags
Kampfgurke on Friday May 22, 2009 roommate of fiero ;-)
chiton on Monday July 14, 2008 |