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u r noob
resterx on Tuesday June 16, 2009
Oep a smoeleke and him ALWAYS play together and NEVER attack each other. One often kamikazes and flags out early. I'd go further than to guess a PGA and actually guess that both accounts are the same player on two computers. Dirty cheater.
Poisondart90 on Wednesday January 21, 2009
most idiot guy i played with
fedo on Thursday September 4, 2008
i'm a nice guy, please love me !!!!!
Floemper21 on Wednesday August 27, 2008
pga with aap123 doesnt respect flag
motto on Wednesday August 27, 2008
One of the people who contribute to ruin this game. Avoid, if possible, to play with.
shadowlord01 on Wednesday August 27, 2008
One of the people who contribute to ruin this game. Avoid, if possible, to play with.
uolter on Wednesday August 27, 2008
Look at the table for a player named Oep a smoeleke... he has a pga with him.
chomas on Sunday June 15, 2008
This guy is PGA with Oep a smoeleke
makak on Sunday June 15, 2008
i confirm, pga with Oep a smoeleke
kateo on Sunday June 15, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary