Level 25
to level 26

Tomo K

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No clue about this game, do not trust him!
Crunsh3r on Thursday August 13, 2009
Doesn't respect flags, douchebag
marquisdaniels12 on Wednesday August 5, 2009
Cocksucker, will ignore you while hes weak and then go for a high place after you let him live.
Menthe on Friday March 27, 2009
treated everybody like shit, ninja flagged and then cried about me not respecting his flag.
>Username< on Tuesday February 10, 2009
Dumb player in the end game .. just attacked everyone .. don't think he was farming .. just dumb.. REALLY NO HONOUR PLAYER
sergio2 on Friday January 30, 2009
Dumb player in the end game .. just attacked everyone .. don't think he was farming .. just dumb
WanderingBuddha on Friday January 30, 2009
Disrespects flags
acmilanfan3 on Friday January 30, 2009
He ended 7th in one game and then cried like a baby next 15 minutes. And said others to kill me because I ended 5th and he wanted that place. Guess he's a big coward in real life.
Ivan01 on Thursday January 29, 2009
pga with hollawayisalive -- both cowards
jz7 on Thursday January 29, 2009
PGA with sinuspol. Said: Tomo K: o btw Tomo K: im not accepting flags Then attached flagged people besides his PGA.
Marty W on Thursday January 29, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary