Level 31
to level 32 |
ziganaAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. good and fair player
Flotzi on Sunday March 15, 2009 fucking player, don´t trust him, he don´t understand the game and flagging system, really big bitch
D-Xtreme on Sunday March 15, 2009 In my experience, good player. Respects flags and the game.
JackiBeezie on Saturday March 7, 2009 stupid player. Flag and tell him multiple times in the chat!!! He does not get the most simple ideas of the game... Be very explicit in your announcements!
Louis Cypher on Friday March 6, 2009 Pauvre bouffon..Sombre con ^^
olkainry38 on Friday March 6, 2009 Don´t respect flags! One of the stupid players at this game!
Marvels on Friday February 27, 2009 does not respect flag
PGA with turkish guys
pingvin on Tuesday February 24, 2009 Lowlife scumbag of a player. Seriously don't trust this guy.
Ketchel on Tuesday February 24, 2009 Betrays flags. Saw a dude helping him and he just stabbed him in the back for first.
Mr.Maxwell on Friday February 20, 2009 one of the stupid players at this game
Garibaldi on Tuesday February 17, 2009 |