Level 31
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absoulte dick head, disrespects flags, had 2nd and came and killed me when i was scrapping for 3rd/4th, for no reason. KILL ON SITE, AND DONT TRUST HIM
DonBonjourno on Monday May 11, 2009
One of those dickhead who will suicide and ruin your game then leave the table immediately. TOTAL DICK HEAD.
Fadekyn on Thursday May 7, 2009
Pure dick head
BixBix on Wednesday May 6, 2009
PGA with savran, fucking noob! Stupid player wich don't respect flag!
BALIBALO93 on Saturday May 2, 2009
PGA with fair_nerm
Liberowsky on Wednesday April 29, 2009
says to let me fight for 2nd and attacks me when I was in 2nd position...
tajmtoedaj on Wednesday April 22, 2009
Perma-PGE list.
Dark_lunatic_K on Monday April 20, 2009
cant read
Edster900 on Friday April 17, 2009
a nice and honorable player
Jeck on Friday April 17, 2009
zigana is a quality player. When three players tried to rob me of second, zigana defended me.
orange33 on Thursday April 16, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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