Level 40
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I agree, no honour. Hope stays on the 0 tables for ever.
t1n on Tuesday August 3, 2010
Doesn't respect flags, so don't respect his.
DiceCube on Saturday June 5, 2010
fucking backstabber...hope your mom rot in hell
Kahsoon on Wednesday January 20, 2010
Oh shit. I think it's about time to call the wammmmbbuullannncce
Rajin on Sunday January 10, 2010
Backstabber, no honor. Will attack you after you flag him when hes sees it will get him a better place.
Way on Saturday November 7, 2009
bruinbear + Rowen + volken = PGA. When I crushed their PGA bruinbear cried like a little bitch and wrote lies on my profile. Fuck you very much, bruinbear.
PraiseSatan on Saturday November 7, 2009
Great player, gg. (My bearclaw of approval. (+)
Rowen on Friday October 23, 2009
This guy comes into the game talking about "penis" and how he "enjoys the taste of cum" and a bunch more gay stuff and I don't understand why? He must be gay and retarded because why anyone talks about that is beyond me.
BigLou17 on Saturday October 10, 2009
fucking asshole! kill him first!
Marius99 on Friday August 21, 2009
don't trust this player. his truce isn't worth anything. just a pathetic person.
OviloN on Saturday August 16, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary