Level 27
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im a bit shit
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Replies 1 - 4 of 4
parkourfiend wrote
at 7:42 PM, Saturday June 13, 2009 EDT
parkourfiend's turn
player00 defeated 8v2, 32 to 9, (5,1,3,1,6,6,5,5 to 6,3)
player00 defended 7v3, 13 to 16, (1,1,1,3,1,1,5 to 6,5,5)
player00 defeated 8v3, 22 to 10, (1,2,2,6,2,1,3,5 to 5,3,2)
player00 defended 7v3, 14 to 15, (1,4,1,3,1,2,2 to 6,5,4)
+26 dice
parkourfiend wrote
at 2:51 PM, Saturday January 17, 2009 EST
Long ago, players competed in effort to someday achieve greatness over the other players. But the elders spoke of an amazing player who was destined to be born, one that would destroy all with superior strategy and charisma like no one had ever experienced. Ryan, not to mention the entire community, were terrified to think of what would happen if the god-like player were to completely ruin any chance anyone had of ever placing 1st. The extreme dominance would cause the entire kdice universe to collapse. All players would immediately give up after one game with him, and go back to playing runescape. Ryan chose an elite group of kdicers in secret to discuss what could be done about this mega-threat. The committee decided that against all fairness and the rules themself, they had to develope a system to stop the chosen player from ending kdice forever. They agreed it had to be done. For many months, Ryan planned exactly how he would limit the player's ability. He eventually created a flawless program that distributed low rolls frequently. He took extra effort to make sure it would not draw suspicion. He decided since starts are always analyzed, he would leave them mostly unaffected. He ensured he would lose the rolls he needed most. He made the program give the player nearly 5% on 8v8's in most games. Ryan was pleased with his work, but felt guilty. A great amount of time went by with Ryan obsessively observing every noob's play style, waiting for him to arrive. After many days of watching Parkourfiend's first games, Ryan was ecstatic. He knew the moment had come. To this very day, Ryan still has the program running to make sure Parkourfiend will never reign the land of kdice. And his secret had never been spoken.....until now
parkourfiend wrote
at 12:50 PM, Tuesday June 3, 2008 EDT
"the wall". this isnt facebook...
parkourfiend wrote
at 12:47 PM, Tuesday June 3, 2008 EDT
elo elo elo
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary