Level 35
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Shermann65Coming Thru
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Cunt PGA: Shermann65 + Hipler. Fucking nazis. No flag respect cheaters.
ParianBammage on Friday November 13, 2009 greatest fucker in the kdice world. kill this pga asshole always first. never seen such a dumbass. if shes a woman: that would explain evrything...
Pustekuchen on Tuesday October 6, 2009 not respect flags
tty_csu on Friday August 21, 2009 A splendid player that kdice needs more of. At first, I thought it was a little strange to have a "open" kdice homosexual, yet soon I warmed up to the idea and he really gave some insight into the homosexual world. He answered questions openly and honestly, and really changed a lot of minds of people I feel. With more homosexuals like himself coming clean and just letting the world know what is TRUE and what is MYTH really helps grow understanding. I applaud you for your openess with us here at kdice and wish you and your fiance' Greg the best of luck in the future!
IIlIIIIIll on Monday August 17, 2009 doesnt respect flags
Gurgi on Monday August 10, 2009 a complete faggot and piece of shit loser through and through
Donald Krunk on Thursday July 23, 2009 no manners at all.
OviloN on Sunday July 5, 2009 can't win or join, just fucks up everyone else
greenoaks on Friday July 3, 2009 fucker didnt reply to my flag - attacked me and then accused me of attacking. crazy or just dumb.
ReAlien on Friday June 26, 2009 doesn't like verbal flags, careful what you say
phatony on Friday June 26, 2009 |