Level 76
to level 77


They see me rollin' / They hatin'
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proxy -chat -play -post jurgen 6:15 AM, Sunday December 27, 2020 EST
Time served. Be nice. +chat +post Vermont 3:57 PM, Wednesday January 29, 2014 EST
Take a few days off until you can learn to be a bit friendlier. -chat -post Vermont 10:02 AM, Tuesday December 24, 2013 EST

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ban is the only wright thing to do Kdice. Lets see if you are strong enough
harlemshaker on Sunday November 29, 2020
Cheating in a cheap way. just some of games 50K in 30 min. http://www.kdice.com/games/87933100 http://www.kdice.com/games/87933058 + another one with same accounts http://kdice.com/games/87979275 https://kdice.com/games/87979231 Replay: http://kdice.com/games/87979426
Aleksa_bre on Friday November 20, 2020
He plays with more than just one account at higher tables! Presumable other accounts are: Kurwa_II; 112Fi; 114Fi; homo dude; Cluster5. If it's not one and the same player it must be PGA. He played 12 games yesterday and won 11 with nearly 50k. What a pathetic achievement, you must be very proud of yourself :D
schnomie on Saturday November 14, 2020
homo dude on Friday November 13, 2020
stabber ... even in tourneys
AlbanBanal on Saturday April 4, 2020
Kurwa_pendecho: so god damn easy
BahamianNoob on Tuesday December 17, 2019
pga with nosch
generalissimus S on Wednesday December 4, 2019
disgusting player should be banned from this game timeless
seçkin on Sunday May 8, 2016
Cunt, stabs in tourmaments. Do not trust, do not accept flag, just kill and eliminate. The only purpose he gas is to fuck over who or whatvhe can for a spot. This inbred lowlife embarrassment to humanity that has been bestowed upon us must be taken out at once.
llxll on Tuesday April 19, 2016
Fucking polish piece of shit
Yuck_Fou3 on Thursday October 22, 2015
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