![]() Level 33
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KrigAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. he is the same player as krg. krig, krg?? LOL what a shit name change. i screwed them so no worries. also pga with daredeva who is also ddeva LOL what IDIOTS. plus they can't speak english.
Dont Cry on Thursday November 11, 2010 PGA with daredeva. And still only has two lands at the end of the game... Horrific player.
RussellinSacto on Thursday October 21, 2010 PGA whit daredeva. Spews predigious insults all game. Does not respect flags. Worst kind of kdicer.
willod on Tuesday October 19, 2010 really stupid, pga with daredeva
ryu132 on Tuesday October 19, 2010 PGA whit daredeva
luxsolis on Monday October 18, 2010 PGA with daredeva, doesnt respect flags and doesnt care about the rules. will fuck you over no matter what to help his PGA. DONT play with this person for real.
iluvboizniliner on Wednesday February 11, 2009 PGA with daredeva:
Krig is blue, daredeva is yellow:
69mustang: flagto yuo blue 69mustang: BLUE WTF!!!!!!!!! 69mustang: you dumb ass daredeva: wow fuckin flamer 69mustang: kill the idiots that arenot flagegd god damn im so sick of fucking morons tonday daredeva: tonday 69mustang: gratz yellow daredeva: toooooooooonday daredeva: tonday daredeva: tondaaaaaaaay 69mustang: you get 2nd be happy bitch daredeva: tondayyyyyyyyyy daredeva: can i be ur little bitch ? finkebr: blue and yellow are pga finkebr: look at their profiles daredeva: grey and white pga finkebr: lol nachteil is here daredeva: H AH AHA nachteil is here finkebr: you are a good cheater finkebr: 0 and 5 points finkebr: well done daredeva: i have cheats finkebr: you cant even win by cheating daredeva: i have auto-aim and wallhack finkebr: congrats daredeva: : )) daredeva: thx
finkebr on Wednesday February 11, 2009 loser
jeff tc on Saturday October 11, 2008 only way you can win is cheating. pregtruced with Krig and does not respect flags
maroma on Tuesday August 19, 2008 pga with daredeva or ddeva (two accounts)
MarquisDaniels on Saturday August 16, 2008 |