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Replies 1 - 3 of 3
$pazzino wrote
at 7:07 AM, Monday July 18, 2011 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 5h]
Esmo folds
john27 folds
Charmed Boy folds
Charmed Boy stands up
montecarlo raises $8,000
SubHunter folds
yypang calls
$pazzino calls
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing flop: [8d, 6s, 9d]
$pazzino checks
Punk In Drublic checks
montecarlo bets $18,000
yypang calls
$pazzino raises $65,000
Punk In Drublic folds
montecarlo folds
montecarlo stands up
montecarlo takes a seat
yypang calls
Dealing turn: [9h]
Dealing river: [9s]
yypang shows [Kh, 6d] for a full house, nines full of sixs
$pazzino shows [7d, 5h] for a straight nine high
yypang wins main pot $162,000
$pazzino stands up
$pazzino wrote
at 7:11 AM, Tuesday December 23, 2008 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kd, 3d]
ohrchen sits out
ohrchen sits in
Muted sits out
mdolphin calls
Muted stands up
J2daB calls
Aunty Em folds
Trible-x raises $2,000
saatan folds
saatan sits in
ohrchen calls
$pazzino calls
mdolphin calls
J2daB calls
Dealing flop: [Qd, 9s, Jd]
ohrchen checks
$pazzino checks
mdolphin checks
J2daB checks
Trible-x bets $4,000
ohrchen folds
$pazzino calls
mdolphin calls
J2daB folds
Dealing turn: [Tc]
Nanounere takes a seat
ohrchen stands up
Nanounere sits out
$pazzino checks
mdolphin checks
Nanounere stands up
Trible-x bets $5,000
PSB takes a seat
$pazzino calls
mdolphin calls
Dealing river: [9d]
$pazzino checks
mdolphin checks
Trible-x bets $20,000
$pazzino raises $90,000
mdolphin folds
Trible-x calls
$pazzino shows [Kd, 3d] for a flush King high
Trible-x shows [Jh, 9h] for a full house, nines full of Jacks
Trible-x wins main pot $218,000
$pazzino wins side pot $2,000
$pazzino wrote
at 2:51 PM, Friday September 26, 2008 EDT
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary