Level 77
to level 78


"Be wise with your dise."
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« First ‹ Previous Replies 71 - 80 of 119 Next › Last »
trendz wrote
at 2:05 PM, Tuesday September 22, 2009 EDT
trendz defeated 4v7, 23 to 22, (6,5,6,6 to 6,2,3,4,1,4,2)
trendz wrote
at 8:35 PM, Friday September 18, 2009 EDT
trendz's turn
Anna0808 defeated 3v5, 16 to 9, (5,5,6 to 1,1,4,2,1)
trendz wrote
at 7:05 PM, Wednesday September 16, 2009 EDT
Sick 1 Hit...

trendz's turn
Rune Avalon defeated 4v3, 12 to 11, (3,4,2,3 to 2,3,6)
Rune Avalon defeated 3v2, 7 to 4, (1,2,4 to 1,3)
Rune Avalon defeated 2v1, 9 to 4, (6,3 to 4)
neutral defeated 8v2, 19 to 5, (4,2,2,2,1,1,3,4 to 1,4)
Rune Avalon defeated 7v1, 27 to 4, (3,5,1,3,6,3,6 to 4)
Rune Avalon defeated 6v3, 20 to 10, (2,1,5,6,1,5 to 2,2,6)
Rune Avalon defeated 5v2, 18 to 11, (3,2,1,6,6 to 5,6)
Rune Avalon defeated 4v3, 17 to 16, (5,5,4,3 to 5,5,6)
Rune Avalon defended 3v3, 14 to 16, (5,6,3 to 6,4,6)
Rune Avalon defeated 3v3, 7 to 6, (2,4,1 to 1,4,1)

(+0 for 4th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 4571st Score: +0 to 0◆.
Rune Avalon finishes 4th in round 4
trendz wrote
at 9:20 PM, Saturday September 5, 2009 EDT

trendz's turn
orland defeated 8v7, 33 to 22, (4,4,4,6,1,2,6,6 to 3,4,2,1,6,3,3)
orland defeated 7v2, 22 to 7, (1,4,3,5,2,1,6 to 5,2)
orland defeated 6v5, 21 to 16, (2,4,3,4,2,6 to 2,3,2,6,3)
orland defeated 8v3, 36 to 8, (5,6,6,5,1,5,5,3 to 3,3,2)
orland defeated 7v8, 26 to 22, (4,5,2,2,6,5,2 to 1,3,6,2,1,4,2,3)
orland defeated 8v2, 17 to 4, (1,3,1,1,1,4,5,1 to 2,2)
joakin_joky defeated 6v8, 27 to 24, (2,5,4,4,6,6 to 4,1,6,2,1,6,2,2)
orland defeated 7v3, 19 to 11, (2,4,3,2,1,1,6 to 2,3,6)
orland defended 6v8, 11 to 22, (4,1,1,3,1,1 to 3,2,2,1,1,4,3,6)
joakin_joky defended 5v8, 12 to 20, (3,3,4,1,1 to 5,3,1,1,6,1,1,2)
trendz wrote
at 6:26 PM, Saturday September 5, 2009 EDT
TomGereffi's turn
mgdruss defeated 7v1, 30 to 1, (5,5,3,6,5,2,4 to 1)
BlueMan6° defeated 6v2, 21 to 7, (4,5,6,2,2,2 to 2,5)
2nd one in the same day. 4v1 defended.
Brewer480 sits in
trendz defeated 5v3, 22 to 15, (4,3,4,6,5 to 4,6,5)
trendz defended 4v1, 4 to 6, (1,1,1,1 to 6)
+4 dice
trendz wrote
at 5:25 PM, Saturday September 5, 2009 EDT
juango_'s turn
trendz defended 4v1, 6 to 6, (1,3,1,1 to 6)
trendz wrote
at 5:29 PM, Thursday September 3, 2009 EDT

trendz's turn
Jebonah defeated 8v7, 33 to 25, (5,3,3,5,4,3,5,5 to 5,2,6,2,1,3,6)
Jebonah defeated 8v8, 37 to 23, (6,4,5,5,5,5,3,4 to 1,2,5,5,5,1,1,3)
Jebonah defeated 8v8, 31 to 24, (2,5,5,6,4,2,5,2 to 3,3,6,2,1,4,4,1)
Jebonah defended 7v6, 14 to 22, (5,1,2,2,1,2,1 to 2,6,1,6,2,5)
Jebonah defeated 7v3, 31 to 8, (5,3,6,5,3,5,4 to 1,4,3)
Jebonah defended 6v6, 17 to 21, (1,3,6,2,2,3 to 3,2,3,4,4,5)
Jebonah defeated 7v6, 27 to 17, (1,4,5,2,3,6,6 to 1,5,1,3,6,1)
Jebonah defended 6v4, 14 to 18, (1,5,2,1,2,3 to 2,6,4,6)
Jebonah defeated 8v4, 28 to 20, (4,3,1,6,4,3,6,1 to 5,4,5,6)
Jebonah defeated 7v3, 21 to 17, (1,1,4,4,1,5,5 to 6,5,6)
trendz wrote
at 7:22 PM, Wednesday September 2, 2009 EDT
Rackers's turn
sir dice defeated 5v8, 18 to 16, (6,1,1,5,5 to 1,1,3,1,1,1,4,4)
sir dice flags for 3rd
+3 dice
trendz wrote
at 3:23 AM, Tuesday August 25, 2009 EDT
Vestbanebarn flags for 2nd
utyug defended 8v7, 30 to 32, (6,4,2,5,5,3,1,4 to 5,2,6,6,2,5,6)
Vestbanebarn defeated 8v8, 34 to 33, (3,6,6,3,5,5,3,3 to 6,1,6,2,5,5,6,2)
+3 dice
thotho2's turn
(-120 for 5th and -61 for dominance)
Rank: 125th Score: -181 to 8722◆.
Jebonah finishes 5th in round 19
Jebonah stands up
+5 dice
utyug's turn
+6 dice
trendz's turn
+12 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
neutral defeated 8v6, 26 to 18, (2,2,5,4,4,2,2,5 to 5,2,5,3,2,1)
neutral defeated 7v5, 22 to 11, (2,4,1,5,6,3,1 to 2,3,3,2,1)
+7 dice
thotho2's turn
+5 dice
utyug's turn
thotho2 defeated 8v8, 28 to 27, (5,6,3,1,2,6,1,4 to 1,4,2,5,4,6,4,1)
+7 dice
trendz's turn
+12 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
+7 dice
thotho2's turn
utyug defended 8v8, 31 to 35, (3,3,2,2,6,3,6,6 to 5,6,6,1,1,5,5,6)
utyug defeated 8v8, 34 to 33, (2,3,6,4,6,4,3,6 to 1,4,5,5,4,3,6,5)
+5 dice
utyug's turn
thotho2 defeated 8v3, 25 to 9, (5,1,2,6,1,3,3,4 to 5,2,2)
+7 dice
trendz's turn
utyug defeated 8v8, 34 to 21, (6,3,4,5,5,3,5,3 to 1,1,3,1,5,5,2,3)
+13 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
neutral defeated 8v8, 33 to 26, (5,4,6,5,3,4,1,5 to 6,4,1,1,1,1,6,6)
+8 dice
thotho2's turn
utyug defeated 8v8, 28 to 26, (5,6,1,2,5,6,1,2 to 2,1,3,5,5,1,6,3)
+5 dice
utyug's turn
thotho2 defeated 8v6, 27 to 20, (4,6,2,2,4,2,3,4 to 2,2,1,6,6,3)
+6 dice
trendz's turn
+13 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
+8 dice
thotho2's turn
utyug defeated 8v8, 23 to 18, (5,2,3,3,2,1,5,2 to 1,1,3,1,3,3,1,5)
+5 dice
utyug's turn
+3 dice
trendz's turn
+13 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
+8 dice
thotho2's turn
+5 dice
utyug's turn
thotho2 defeated 8v8, 26 to 23, (6,2,1,5,5,3,1,3 to 3,1,4,4,4,5,1,1)
+6 dice
trendz's turn
+13 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
+8 dice
thotho2's turn
thotho2 sits out
+4 dice
utyug's turn
thotho2 sits in
thotho2 defeated 8v8, 34 to 30, (6,3,4,3,5,3,5,5 to 5,2,4,6,4,1,3,5)
+7 dice
trendz's turn
+13 dice
Vestbanebarn's turn
(-33 for 4th and +18 for dominance)
Rank: 1716th Score: -15 to 523◆.
thotho2 finishes 4th in round 26
thotho2 stands up
(+75 for 3rd and -49 for dominance)
Rank: 128th Score: +26 to 8534◆.
utyug finishes 3rd in round 26
utyug stands up
(+183 for 2nd and +19 for dominance)
Rank: 104th Score: +202 to 10422◆.
Vestbanebarn finishes 2nd in round 26
Vestbanebarn stands up
trendz's turn
(+400 for 1st and +186 for dominance)
Rank: 159th Score: +586 to 7440◆.
trendz finishes 1st in round 26
trendz stands up
Jebonah takes a seat
paypal takes a seat
paypal stands up
Jebonah sits out
Jebonah stands up
trendz takes a seat
greekboi's turn
+14 dice
fiero600's turn
+1 dice
franklyghost's turn
+1 dice
xNolan's turn
greekboi defended 8v8, 25 to 26, (6,1,3,1,1,6,2,5 to 5,1,6,4,4,1,4,1)
+3 dice
Loobee's turn
greekboi defended 8v8, 21 to 30, (1,6,5,2,2,3,1,1 to 3,3,5,5,4,1,5,4)
+4 dice
greekboi's turn
xNolan defended 8v8, 20 to 36, (2,4,2,1,1,3,2,5 to 6,1,6,5,6,4,5,3)
+14 dice
fiero600's turn
+1 dice
franklyghost's turn
+1 dice
xNolan's turn
greekboi defended 8v8, 29 to 33, (2,3,1,6,6,1,4,6 to 6,5,3,6,1,6,5,1)
+3 dice
Loobee's turn
Loobee flags for 2nd
+4 dice
greekboi's turn
xNolan defeated 8v8, 27 to 26, (3,6,3,2,1,6,2,4 to 4,4,2,4,1,4,1,6)
xNolan defended 7v8, 19 to 27, (1,3,2,3,4,2,4 to 2,4,2,6,2,6,4,1)
+15 dice
fiero600's turn
+1 dice
franklyghost's turn
+1 dice
xNolan's turn
alzzz takes a seat
..::FdS::.. takes a seat
paypal takes a seat
schumanp takes a seat
Graczu! takes a seat
Lebosstom's turn
Lebosstom sits out
+2 dice
alzzz's turn
Lebosstom defended 2v1, 4 to 5, (3,1 to 5)
Lebosstom defeated 3v2, 11 to 7, (1,5,5 to 2,5)
Lebosstom defeated 2v1, 10 to 1, (6,4 to 1)
+4 dice
..::FdS::..'s turn
alzzz defeated 4v2, 11 to 9, (5,3,1,2 to 6,3)
+3 dice
paypal's turn
schumanp defeated 4v1, 15 to 1, (4,4,4,3 to 1)
alzzz defeated 2v1, 6 to 4, (3,3 to 4)
Lebosstom sits in
trendz defeated 2v1, 10 to 4, (5,5 to 4)
+7 dice
schumanp's turn
alzzz defended 3v2, 7 to 12, (2,4,1 to 6,6)
alzzz defeated 4v2, 13 to 8, (3,3,2,5 to 5,3)
alzzz defended 3v2, 5 to 5, (1,2,2 to 3,2)
..::FdS::.. defeated 3v2, 9 to 6, (1,2,6 to 1,5)
+2 dice
Graczu!'s turn
trendz defeated 3v2, 13 to 7, (2,5,6 to 2,5)
schumanp defeated 3v1, 10 to 6, (4,4,2 to 6)
paypal defeated 4v3, 13 to 8, (1,4,4,4 to 2,2,4)
paypal defended 2v1, 5 to 6, (4,1 to 6)
paypal defeated 2v2, 10 to 7, (6,4 to 5,2)
+7 dice
trendz's turn
Lebosstom defended 5v5, 7 to 16, (1,3,1,1,1 to 6,5,2,2,1)
trendz wrote
at 2:08 AM, Tuesday August 25, 2009 EDT
trendz's turn
Vissengard defended 4v2, 11 to 12, (5,1,3,2 to 6,6)
UnderwaterAction defended 3v2, 11 to 12, (3,5,3 to 6,6)
UnderwaterAction defended 3v2, 11 to 11, (3,5,3 to 6,5)
+2 dice
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary