![]() Level 39
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mahonen21Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Good & trustworthy guy, kept his word and helped me fuck tubby740's truce (see below).
Hs62 on Friday September 9, 2011 he is a fuck buddy with Hs62
tubby740 on Friday September 9, 2011 refused to go 2v1 and flaged. Honorable player and a gentelman.
sosti on Sunday August 14, 2011 Anal prolapsing cucumber ass-fucker. Several visits to the ER to remove objects from his rectum. Losing tosser and cry baby. FUCK YOU FAG
The Mad Cadder on Saturday May 2, 2009 i agree that mahonen21 is a typical whiner. he talks the talk but (epic) fails to walk the walk. when i bitchsmacked mahonen21 he whined to no end and tagged me pga. my first negative comment, lol. i come here once in a blue moon to play one game and i had to wind up spanking a bad review out of this baby with wet diapers. haha. with such a lack of skill, you'd think mahonen21 would be more used to losing. :D gnu58's comment below summed it up best: "typical whiner who think he must win every game if not everybody is pga"
veggies on Wednesday March 11, 2009 Bad player
Fair play? Nooooooooo...
Scarabeus on Wednesday February 18, 2009 whiner, who thinks everybody pga's apart from him...
philippgerard on Monday February 16, 2009 typical whiner who think he must win every game if not everybody is pga
Gnu 58 on Monday February 16, 2009 fucking loser cant be nice, and because he is losing he just wastes time for the whole board
xdidimox on Friday February 13, 2009 cant be trusted
DMoney1986 on Thursday February 12, 2009 |