Level 49
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Matan Fattal

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chaiNblade: second or 1? Matan Fattal: 1 :) ------------------- He promised me 1, then backstabbed and gave me second, watch out .. don't trust him.
chaiNblade on Saturday August 15, 2009
A splendid player that kdice needs more of. At first, I thought it was a little strange to have a "open" kdice homosexual, yet soon I warmed up to the idea and he really gave some insight into the homosexual world. He answered questions openly and honestly, and really changed a lot of minds of people I feel. With more homosexuals like himself coming clean and just letting the world know what is TRUE and what is MYTH really helps grow understanding. I applaud you for your openess with us here at kdice and wish you and your fiance' Greg the best of luck in the future!
stevo666666 on Thursday August 13, 2009
blatant pga with Sudso
imanema on Saturday July 25, 2009
pocket pair on Sunday July 19, 2009
pga with bobg9
cromel on Monday July 13, 2009
only win on Monday June 29, 2009
Back Stabber. Flagged and then attacked for 1st. He cannot be trusted.
Aldinach on Monday June 22, 2009
Aweful player. Ruins the game... he has no honor at all. Flags to players, then attacks them later.
Mike_Mike on Monday June 22, 2009
unfair player, took lands when i fighted for a position lower than him's, so i had no chance to get that pos.
sebaj on Thursday June 18, 2009
not respecting flags.... for dom....ASS
Gidster on Wednesday May 27, 2009
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