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Reviews 1 - 8 of 8
Wow dick hunter, nice fabrication...captures my voice exactly
Aric on Friday May 9, 2008 Wow chat from aric
Aric: you should die
Aric: lol
Aric: you need to get aids and die
Aric: you are fucking loser
Aric: pussy
Aric: ya take that cunt
Aric: eat it
Dick Hunter: ok what did I do to you
Aric: die from aids cunt
Dick Hunter: I hate sore losers
Dick Hunter: especial the ones that dont
repect flags.
Aric: why
Aric: im losing anyways
Aric: muhwaa
Aric: im the best
Aric: die asshole
Dick Hunter on Friday May 9, 2008 why are you following me. Just because I left the truth in your notes. Psycho
Bdice on Friday May 9, 2008 This guy is a piece of work. Doesnt respect the flag and is obscene in chat
Bdice on Friday May 9, 2008 Dr. Nick is a editing what i said. I told him to stop playing Kdice, get his lazy fat assup and become a real doctor. Not the other way around.
Aric on Friday May 9, 2008 Game 5,012,939 on hardtobeat
In round one, I take a territory off him and he starts cussing me, then at the end of the game I'm a clear first, he ninja flags after spreading himself across the map like margarine, and I tell him to forget it, he's next out. He whines like a 12 year old girl.
Aric: mmmmh
Aric: hahaha
Aric: loser
Aric: you fucking loser
Aric: are you a dr in real life
Aric: or just a fat old simpsons fan
Aric: you fucking old idiot
mrlee has left
Aric: you big old retard
Aric: drnick
Aric: thats a hilarious reference
Aric: simpsons!
Aric: too funny
Aric: you big fucking loser
DrNick: If you knew how to play, you would lag out now and keep your points
Aric: kdice points are like monopoly money
lussor: nothing personal, sin
Aric: making fun of you is much more rewarding
Aric: attack my weak points
Aric: you pussy
Aric: thats how you win like a man
Aric: you piece of shit
Aric: loser
Aric: loser
Aric: i got to wake up and got to school
Aric: and possibly become a real doctor
DrNick on Friday April 25, 2008 doesn't respect flags!
biblio on Thursday April 24, 2008 Another player asked me to help attack Aric. Aric then told me it wouldn't be right, because Aric had left me alone. I didn't attack Aric that turn, and next immediate turn he attacked beyond what I could recover. Don't ever team up with him. He will stab you in the back.
Okie12gauge on Monday April 21, 2008 |