Level 77
to level 78 |
BAMMBIAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. a huge fucking asshole i flagged 2 reflagged 3 and this piece of shit still wouldnt respect it. kill him and dont trust him. he is a dickbag
byak on Friday April 10, 2009 complete asshole, doesn't respect flags, attacks flagged players, just total jerk
imanema on Thursday April 9, 2009 That last poster had 2 territories left I took his 3 stack for an easy connect that was very useful to both of us (it protected him from another player). He then proceeded to suicide against me and stalk me around the game, using unnecessary language.
BAMMBI on Thursday April 9, 2009 He likes to eat his own shit for breakfast and got herpes from his dad as a little kid.
schumanp on Wednesday April 8, 2009 Plays just to f with other players
gvxc on Saturday April 4, 2009 Totally clueless about this game. Asshole.
DonMarino on Saturday April 4, 2009 If you ask for a truce and somebody does not answer (probably because you tried to rape this person before) does not mean you are truced.
angelica_73 on Friday April 3, 2009 doesn't honor flags. Some kind of vendetta against DLK.
obscurehero on Friday April 3, 2009 Played with him/her before, no problems prior. For some reason had a vendetta against me the entire game. As someone else pointed out, "pseudo-intellectual shit, hoping to appear smart. very boring."
prometheus_ on Friday April 3, 2009 Awesome player, fair
Makolyte on Thursday April 2, 2009 |