![]() Level 77
to level 78 |
BAMMBIAdd a review about this player
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@ahnbohwan on Tuesday April 10, 2012 Sad sad sad sad player doesnt accept the rules, has no respect, whines and then plays dishonourably. DO NOT TRUST
Triggerhappy on Monday April 9, 2012 there is a reason this player has a lot of PGEs... accuses people of PGAs just so that they can get first, makes up flags that never happened. deceitful and spiteful player.
Moonsan on Sunday April 8, 2012 doesn't understand the game and clearly isn't too bright.
Groper on Saturday April 7, 2012 Accepted a flag and then stabbed in the back. Doesn't really understand the morals of the game.
Jgumby on Saturday April 7, 2012 2012-03-18 BAMMBI and the 0 tables will be best off if BAMMBI sticks to the 'higher' tables--BAMMBI is Level 57, after
all. BAMMBI is purple, I am brown. ++++++++++
BAMMBI: truce teal? ########## [Note: BAMMBI can't help but truce; he knows noting else.] ----------
Ivano Colelli: ok ----------
Ivano Colelli: teal ----------
BAMMBI: teal? ----------
Ivano Colelli: no ----------
3.14159: truces are rare on the 0 tables--thank goodness ----------
BAMMBI: ok ----------
BAMMBI: o ----------
sje: sorry purple ----------
BAMMBI: no ----------
BAMMBI: ? ----------
BAMMBI: truce red then? ########## [Note: See? He just can't stop. It is all he knows how to do.] ----------
Ivano Colelli: ok ----------
BAMMBI: ok cut him [Note: Oh, and order his truce-mates about.] ----------
BAMMBI: fuk ########## [Note: So delicate of BAMMBI. Is 'fuk' less rude than 'f*ck'?] ----------
Lucas Barbosa de: flag light ----------
3.14159: great--just like the higher tables ----------
3.14159: spoken and unspoken truces--wonderful ----------
sje: that was bad ----------
BAMMBI: u can join us ########## [Note: Third truce offer by BAMMBI.] ----------
BAMMBI: if u like ----------
BAMMBI: teal ----------
3.14159: truce against me and green! that is great, BAMMBI [Note: Green was in last place with one land, I was in a
general tie for 2nd with teal and red. BAMMBI had 1st.] ----------
3.14159: brilliant ----------
Lucas Barbosa de: get light ----------
BAMMBI: ty ----------
Lucas Barbosa de: kill me ----------
3.14159: you are just another guy used to the higher tables truces who can't play right here on the 0 tables
sje: danm restack ----------
BAMMBI: green do u want 3rd? ----------
3.14159: the great thing about the 0 tables? there aren't enough points to want to act like bammbi is acting
BAMMBI: its about honour not points :) ----------
3.14159: pathetic exhibition by you, bammbi ----------
3.14159: and i agree... ----------
3.14159: it IS about honor ----------
3.14159: you seem not to have any ----------
BAMMBI: lol ----------
3.14159: lol ----------
3.14159: rofl ----------
3.14159: lmao ----------
BAMMBI: i think i do ----------
3.14159: pick one, purple ----------
3.14159: you are wrong, bammbi ----------
BAMMBI: wtf u doin red!!? ########## [Note: Does BAMMBI know what 'wtf' stands for? Is he being delicate again?]
3.14159: see? THAT is bammbi for you ----------
3.14159: "wtf" to his truce-mate ----------
3.14159: pathetic, bammbi ----------
BAMMBI: red chill ----------
Lucas Barbosa de: can i go through light? ----------
Ivano Colelli: ok ----------
3.14159: thanks ----------
3.14159: no, augustus, i am not like bammbi ----------
BAMMBI: red we truced ----------
3.14159: if i accept a flag i stick to it ----------
Ivano Colelli: i sit for 2nd ----------
BAMMBI: truce > flag ########## [Note: BAMMBI knows ALL about truces.] ----------
AugustusC: I just came I have no idea who is bami ----------
3.14159: fine with me, red ----------
BAMMBI: red thats dirty play ----------
Lucas Barbosa de: wtf red? ----------
3.14159: i accepted your flag--i won't attack you ----------
BAMMBI: if we truce u shouldnt flag [Note: Yes, that is true. IF you truce, go down in flames for your truce. Perhaps
red saw that the truce was wrong to begin with?] ----------
Lucas Barbosa de: thanks ----------
3.14159: i agree, bammbi--maybe red recognized that one shouldn't truce on the 0 tables--good for red ----------
BAMMBI: yes but still, he did truce ----------
BAMMBI: so he is effectively stabbing ----------
Ivano Colelli: truce is not alleance ----------
BAMMBI: it is ----------
BAMMBI: i flag brown [Note: BAMMBI flags to me; I accept.] ----------
Ivano Colelli: no ----------
3.14159: yes it is, red ----------
3.14159: thanks purple ----------
AugustusC: in kdice it means aliance ----------
sje: I say we kill the dishonarable bastard purple ----------
3.14159: a flag means i won't attack ----------
3.14159: a truce means we will help each other ----------
BAMMBI: wow ----------
BAMMBI: thats very dirty ----------
BAMMBI: su u gonna help me brown? [Note: BAMMBI asking for help? We had NOT truced, why would he think I would help?]
3.14159: you have no cause to complain, bammbi ----------
3.14159: no, of course not, bammbi ----------
3.14159: my motto (which you should learn and follow)... ----------
sje: you had it coming bammbi ----------
Ivano Colelli: truce = don't attacked for a bit ----------
BAMMBI: whatever ----------
BAMMBI: no red ----------
3.14159: when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone... ----------
3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate ----------
BAMMBI: u r a dick red ########## ----------
Ivano Colelli: ty ----------
BAMMBI has left ----------
3.14159: teal and red can fight it out for 1st ----------
3.14159: bammbi should stick to the 500 and up tables where he belongs ----------
AugustusC: haha
AugustusC: nice one
HAL_9000 is here
CamaLamb is here
sje: gga
3.14159: it is true--those higher level guys are SO used to truces they can't live without them
3.14159: it is pathetic
AugustusC: I know
AugustusC: they also love to pga
3.14159: yes, i agree
3.14159: game to game favors (pga) are a real problem on the so-called higher tables
HAL_9000: war and politics quit your whining ########## [Note: How simplistic and unsophisticated could HAL be?]
3.14159: the 0 tables retain the best spirit and fun of kdice -- unless guys like bammbi play them ----------
HAL_9000: 0 tables suck ----------
3.14159: well, thankfully Hal, you will soon have enough points to leave them ----------
HAL_9000: not with my luck recently ----------
3.14159: that is good for you AND the 0 tables ----------
++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++
2011-12-03 Emiin Daniels is a chat jerk and rude little web boy. Emiin Daniels is blue, BAMMBI is brown, zappa is red,
I am green. Chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ BAMMBI: hi ryan ---------- BAMMBI: ryan is here ----------
Cippa Lippa: who is ryan? ---------- BAMMBI: the guy who made the game ---------- 3.14159: your mom? ----------
3.14159: :) ---------- Cippa Lippa: no who here? ---------- BAMMBI: teal is ryan ---------- BAMMBI: r u ryan teal?
---------- zappa: he isn't, believe me ---------- Emiin Daniels: i fuck ryen ########## [Note: Cussing is fun for web
boys. It makes them feel powerful.] ---------- BAMMBI: he is ---------- Emiin Daniels: ryan ---------- BAMMBI: he has
that fox avatar ---------- BAMMBI: same one ---------- 3.14159: how about ryAn? ---------- Emiin Daniels: Ryan
---------- Emiin Daniels: You wanna feel my cock in your ass ? ########## [Note: Emiin Daniels = classic web boy
stuff.] ---------- BAMMBI: omg ---------- zappa: seen teals reviews ? ---------- BAMMBI: thats just rude ----------
zappa: that isn't ryan ---------- BAMMBI: why do guys like anal anyway? ---------- 3.14159: classy, blue! ----------
Emiin Daniels: see ---------- Emiin Daniels: i fuck ryen ########## ---------- Emiin Daniels: hes a noob ----------
Emiin Daniels: Flag red ---------- BAMMBI: i have this nice hole and guys just want to do my ass i dont get it
---------- zappa: ty blue ---------- alexandernicolai: flag red ---------- 3.14159: blue is all web boy and stuff
---------- zappa: ty ---------- BAMMBI: did u think i was black blue? ---------- Emiin Daniels: You a girl ?
---------- BAMMBI: yes ---------- BAMMBI: omg ---------- Emiin Daniels: hahahaha ---------- alexandernicolai: lol look
at the pic blue ---------- BAMMBI: peeple always insult me ---------- Emiin Daniels: You are fat ---------- 3.14159:
hey! blue is new to this stuff ---------- 3.14159: don't laugh at him! ---------- BAMMBI: flag red ---------- 3.14159:
it's okay, blue--we understand ---------- BAMMBI: red? ---------- BAMMBI: wtf? ---------- BAMMBI: why did u attack?
---------- zappa: you never flagged ---------- 3.14159: red is not one of our better 1st place players ----------
BAMMBI: i did ---------- BAMMBI: i flag red ---------- 3.14159: my motto: when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone...
---------- BAMMBI: and i did earlier too ---------- 3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate ---------- Emiin Daniels:
They will atack you red ---------- zappa: only purp and blue did ---------- BAMMBI: 3.14159: don't laugh at him!
BAMMBI: flag red 3.14159: it's okay, blu ---------- 3.14159: but you have 1st in hand, red--that is the difference
---------- BAMMBI: see ---------- 3.14159: that is the problem with 1st place players like red--you have to say
everything 3 times to them or they get all worried ---------- 3.14159: plus they like the feeling of power of
attacking ---------- BAMMBI: lol ---------- 3.14159: 1st isn't enough for them ---------- zappa: as you will remember,
i confirmed the flags i recieved ---------- 3.14159: they have to FEEL their power ---------- 3.14159: BUT 1ST PLACE
IS IN HAND, RED ---------- 3.14159: that is the point ---------- BAMMBI: maybe u didnt see mine ---------- Emiin
Daniels: Shut up green ########## ---------- Emiin Daniels: and die ########## ---------- 3.14159: right, blue
---------- 3.14159: classy ---------- zappa: since i missed yours i didn't answer ---------- BAMMBI: ah ok ----------
3.14159: chat jerks like blue HATE to have their rudeness challenged ---------- zappa: so , sorry brown ----------
BAMMBI: np ---------- 3.14159: web boys like blue are just immature ---------- zappa: and sorry again for not noticing
your flag brown ---------- BAMMBI: k ---------- BAMMBI: after i beat blue ---------- 3.14159: blue will just blame it
on bad luck--typical web boy that he is ---------- 3.14159: right blue? ---------- 3.14159: blue? ---------- 3.14159:
are you awake, blue? ---------- Emiin Daniels: You have a life ? ---------- zappa: just keep it nice pi ----------
3.14159: you haven't said a rude thing in about 3 minutes ---------- BAMMBI: ats a web boy? ---------- BAMMBI: wats
---------- 3.14159: no, guys like blue deserve the public scorn they get ---------- Emiin Daniels: You have a life ?
---------- zappa: flag please brown ? ---------- 3.14159: try again, blue ---------- zappa: ty ---------- 3.14159:
see? it is everyone ELSE at fault for blue being a chat jerk and web boy ---------- 3.14159: learn manners and
decency, blue ---------- BAMMBI: wat is a web boy? ---------- 3.14159: then speak ---------- Emiin Daniels: okay
---------- Emiin Daniels: and go ---------- 3.14159: GREAT! ---------- 3.14159: blue will try to change his pitiful,
pathetic path of rudeness and being a jerk! ---------- 3.14159: thank goodness ---------- 3.14159: kdice will be
better for it ---------- 3.14159: thanks, blue ---------- Emiin Daniels: Stop writing ---------- Emiin Daniels: Go pls
---------- BAMMBI: fuck off ########## ---------- 3.14159: well, blue, you didn't seem to worry about stopping writing
when you were being a jerk... ---------- Emiin Daniels: Why you have no life ---------- Emiin Daniels: go play a other
game ---------- zappa: you talk a lot pi ---------- 3.14159: but since you are now humble and said "please"--or really
"pls"--i will consider it ---------- BAMMBI: 324579 fuk off ########## ---------- 3.14159: i do when their is a chat
jerk around ---------- Emiin Daniels has left ---------- BAMMBI: gg ---------- BAMMBI: gg ---------- zappa: gg
---------- 3.14159: i flag to blue ---------- BAMMBI has left ---------- 3.14159: as i promised
3.14159 on Sunday March 18, 2012 Seemed like a fair player to me!
tghGaz on Saturday March 10, 2012 flags rd 2. nuff said
Rileyhemp on Thursday February 23, 2012 Backstabber
Wayun on Monday February 20, 2012 real backstabber, not a fair player
Walker J. on Friday February 10, 2012 |