Level 77
to level 78 |
BAMMBIAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Asshole. Does not respect flags. Kill on sight!
ZygFryD on Monday September 17, 2012 backstabber and a retard can't believe this from his level
sdano on Saturday September 15, 2012 backstabber
sunnata on Thursday September 13, 2012 backstabber
DanWonder22 on Thursday September 13, 2012 i feel a strong need to refresh my comment on you. you still are a clueless fish in that game that screws others without any idea why and plays like an asshole. doesn't accept flags and tries to cheat wherever possible. how can you still wonder the whole table is against you? are you really that stupid that you don't notce you're talking shit the whole time? it's really annoying...
masuu on Tuesday September 11, 2012 backstabber
FastFourier on Saturday September 8, 2012 stabber dont delete
Samotny on Sunday September 2, 2012 good truce partner
Ubersmush on Sunday September 2, 2012 backstaber
worbot on Friday August 31, 2012 pga'ing -> pge -> back to 0 level a few times
hobgob on Wednesday August 29, 2012 |