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This will be long. Bear with me. To begin, I should apologize. A lot of the things I'm about to rant on, I've done, and to the people I've screwed, I'm sorry. Never again; I've had an epiphany. I don't understand the mentality that this game seems to foster. What happened to fair play? What happened to winning and losing graciously? So many times I've heard people say to me "Why did you attack me? I left you alone all game! WTF???" and then the names come, and people freak out. I'm sure most of you have seen this happen if not been the victim of it before. So, I ask you all this: Why can't we lose and still be friends? Or win and still be friends? Who better to lose too than your friends? Who is it easier to lose too if not too your friends? You should be happy they've won and they should be happy when you win. This game should be about fair-play and fun; competition and camaraderie. Part of the good time is being able to make friends and play the game with them, without it turning into a cluster of tag-teaming, shit-talking jack-asses. You get to sit down, have fun, and enjoy a game with your friends. Despite what you may think, fair-play pays. When your friends win in a board game, where you can't team up, do you never play again after you lose, or do you joke, talk decent, good-natured trash, and get ready for the next game? I hope the latter. Why can't that be the case here? Change in the paradigm starts at the ground, and not everyone will subscribe to this mentality, but most of us can, and we can enjoy the game together, win or lose, and let the others do as they will. I, for one, shall not truce any longer. I shall show no mercy to my friends, but rather, I shall expect them to enjoy my victory with me, and I will enjoy theirs with them. No more subtle innuendo - if I can take you, I shall, friend or not. I shall respect all flags, and expect that once you've raised the whites, you will sit still and wait to collect points. If, after you've flagged, you think that it's okay to pick on the players below you in rank, unprovoked, I assure it's not, and I will consider your flag null. They're trying to get what they can, and they deserve the chance. DO NOT FLAG if you are not sure you can hold your rank. I will expect you to reflag if someone passes you without attacking you. Play smart, not dirty; you will reap the appropriate rewards of both. If I have to pioneer honor and integrity alone, I shall. If you think you can take advantage of this, I encourage you try. Respect, honor, and integrity are my bywords, and I shall gladly lose to anyone who shares my opinions on the matter.
Failure on Sunday April 20, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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