Level 40
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I agree. This guy really sucks as a human.
MowMow on Friday April 25, 2008
he is a backstabber and a lier...when hes in a losing situation he lies about other players in effort to turn everyone against them...
emin on Friday April 25, 2008
Cool guy. You can trust him and he sticks to his word.
johanes on Friday April 25, 2008
cool player
pogingduizend@ya on Thursday April 24, 2008
He's got balls, but you can rely on him to stab you in the back. He tried to screw me after I let him connect around behind me (Die Another Day, game 4,990,260) and he was so thin, I cut him into three, before he flagged out. If he would have played along, I might have flagged to him for 2nd, but *he can't resist putting the knife in*. Not that that's not good play to get points, and it made for a fun game, but that's just how he is.
DrNick on Thursday April 24, 2008
PGA chickenshit. 'nuff said.
Mikeypooo on Thursday April 24, 2008
Consistantly proves to be a dishonorable player, not respecting flags, trying to back up his actions with such crap as "First to flag gets it" and "Once you flag you arent allowed to attack any territories at all, period". Also seems to think that ninja flagging is when you grow larger than one of his buddies in the game (cant believe he has buddies in any game, but seems he does sometimes), and flag the same as them. All in all, very disatisfying to play in a game with. Dont ever feel the need to respect his flags ever again, and from the PGA like attitudes (I don't think he PGA's more like secret truce with whoever, but I don't know a whole lot about PGAing and usually tend to assume the best about people) Anyhows, from his gameplay, I'm leaning towards just taking him out first when possible so the rest of us can have a fair honest game.
DaShiVa on Monday April 21, 2008
Wow!!! By the looks of your notes I'm not the only one who knows your an idiot. This guy doesn't like you to attack him. Waa! Waa! Waa! Whines like a little bitch when you attack him and tells you that you don't know how to play. Meanwhile he has less points. Real genius this guy. I would say more but I believe your notes speak for themselves.
Mudshovel on Saturday April 19, 2008
you sir are a real dickhead and you should be proud that you go around leaving comments on people profiles saying that they should be destroyed! get a life dickhead dont you have anything better to do than bicth??
jst-2-HRD2H8 on Saturday April 19, 2008
An idiot. Pure and simple.
cmorriss on Saturday April 19, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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