Level 18
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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9

Very honorable player, flagged to me, then grew larger in the fight for second and certainly could have defeated me, but honored his flag.
gohuskies on Saturday July 4, 2009
played the best kdice game with him for a long time.. no flags until round 48!
Rama_Joe on Tuesday June 30, 2009
This guy seems like a sound guy (at least for an american(no racism intended...just ya know...), if ya want to see an example of a not sound american go to my profile & look at my last bad review & see my idea of a "Not Sound american") & Butt if ya wanna see a funny review click on that silly spammer ZenButcher ^^
DonnieScribbles on Tuesday June 30, 2009
I played in the game with him and elk. Buttmunckin countered Elk's truce and elk decided to cry when his partner suicided and he lost.
jojoman on Thursday June 25, 2009
total fucking bastard trucer!!!! cumeater
ElKChero on Thursday June 25, 2009
Knows how to flag well; gave a nice strong FLAG rather than some lousy ninja one you see three rounds later ;)
.Blue. on Monday May 11, 2009
may I say...OWNED...complains when someone owns him at kdice....PWNED mother fucker.
vespally on Sunday May 10, 2009
I am Cornholio!
ButtMunchkin on Wednesday May 6, 2009
Awesome name and picture. i wish I came up with it first. Uh huh huh, huh huh, hey Beavis
The Mad Cadder on Wednesday April 29, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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