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annat wrote
at 8:49 AM, Thursday December 18, 2008 EST
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I wanna cry!!!!!! Saw you, then you disappeared...:( Hope all is well!
annat wrote
at 2:15 PM, Friday December 5, 2008 EST
Dang it....why do I keep missing you??? SIGH!!!!!!!

Miss ya SBM!!! Hope to see ya soon. :)
annat wrote
at 9:33 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2008 EST
MISS YOU!!!! Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving! Was hoping that you would be on....as I you said that you were off. Oh, Yes..I have a good memory. :)

Please come back soon!!!
annat wrote
at 12:22 PM, Tuesday November 4, 2008 EST
Sorry, I had to go before you got back. Great to see you at last. Go get em!!!
annat wrote
at 5:06 PM, Tuesday October 28, 2008 EDT
OK, I see you come in, get all excited....then you leave :( MISS YA!!!!!!
annat wrote
at 8:07 PM, Wednesday October 22, 2008 EDT
Bad night for both of us...:( oh well!! Get back up there SBM, you can soo do it! See ya soon :)
annat wrote
at 3:09 PM, Sunday August 24, 2008 EDT
AWWWWWWWWWWWW - I missed ya within 10 mins!!!! DANG IT!!! MISSSSSSSSS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
lynnmay wrote
at 11:56 AM, Friday August 1, 2008 EDT
woooo hoooooo congrats hon!!! getting tired of saying this EVERY month!!! rolls eyes best player in the house!!!
annat wrote
at 11:36 PM, Thursday July 31, 2008 EDT
SBM - You ROCK!!!!!!!! Very nice, all three accounts in Top 100...not to mention two of them in Top 25!!! Very well done!! Couldn't have happened to a better player or person!!!!! I am always your cheerleader!!!! :) Best of Luck in August!! See ya soon!

annat wrote
at 3:43 PM, Monday July 7, 2008 EDT
SBM!!!!!!!!! we seem to be just barely missing each other today....hopefully I can catch up..:)

see ya soon!!!!
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary