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chopi1 wrote
at 2:44 PM, Thursday July 23, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6c, 6h]
Brutus000 calls
MickyMc raises $100
Logan777 calls
chopi1 raises $3,599
holdme calls
goophy folds
julesfoxy calls
lollypop007 folds
Brutus000 folds
MickyMc folds
Logan777 folds
Dealing flop: [8d, 7d, 6s]
Dealing turn: [6d]
Dealing river: [2d]
Cat67fish takes a seat
chopi1 shows [6c, 6h] for four sixs
holdme shows [8h, Ah] for two pair, eights and sixs
julesfoxy shows [Ks, Jc] for a pair of sixs
chopi1 wins main pot $4,800
chopi1 wins side pot $4,198
holdme stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 1:04 AM, Thursday July 23, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5h, Jd]
chopi1 calls
vegudo checks
Dealing flop: [5s, 3d, 4h]
vegudo bets $6,428
chopi1 calls
Dealing turn: [Ah]
Dealing river: [4s]
vegudo shows [7d, 3h] for two pair, fours and threes
chopi1 shows [5h, Jd] for two pair, fives and fours
chopi1 wins main pot $19,256
vegudo finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $38,500
vegudo stands up
chopi1 finishes the tournament 1st and wins $66,500
chopi1 stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 2:08 AM, Saturday July 18, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8h, 8d]
Doe Doe folds
jommppaa calls
chopi1 raises $3,000
Marco1981 calls
xXxJozefxXx folds
jommppaa calls
Dealing flop: [7s, Jh, Jd]
Marco1981 checks
jommppaa checks
chopi1 bets $5,000
Marco1981 calls
jommppaa folds
Dealing turn: [8c]
Marco1981 checks
chopi1 bets $5,000
Marco1981 calls
Dealing river: [2h]
Marco1981 checks
chopi1 bets $15,000
Marco1981 raises $30,000
chopi1 raises $64,000
Marco1981 calls
chopi1 shows [8h, 8d] for a full house, eights full of Jacks
Marco1981 shows [Ah, Js] for three Jacks
chopi1 wins main pot $168,800
chopi1 wins side pot $9,600
Marco1981 stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 1:52 AM, Saturday July 18, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ad, Kd]
jommppaa folds
myerlyn folds
jommppaa stands up
chopi1 raises $2,000
SrDave2000 raises $5,000
Doe Doe folds
xXxJozefxXx folds
penang calls
chopi1 raises $8,000
SrDave2000 raises $85,416
penang folds
chopi1 calls
Dealing flop: [9c, 6s, 5d]
Dealing turn: [Ah]
Dealing river: [Th]
SrDave2000 shows [Qh, Qs] for a pair of Queens
chopi1 shows [Ad, Kd] for a pair of Aces
chopi1 wins main pot $186,332
SrDave2000 stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 2:59 PM, Monday June 15, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qs, 4s]
fuzzi calls
Eilo calls
elgen raises $750
chopi1 raises $2,900
Blabla83 folds
fuzzi folds
Eilo folds
elgen calls
Dealing flop: [3d, Qh, Qc]
Dealing turn: [Ts]
Dealing river: [Qd]
elgen shows [4d, Ad] for three Queens
chopi1 shows [Qs, 4s] for four Queens
chopi1 wins main pot $5,850
chopi1 wins side pot $75
elgen stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 10:46 AM, Monday March 16, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [2h, Ah]
roychung calls
mossy07 calls
capt rosey folds
Gosro takes a seat
chopi1 raises $500
PandorasBox folds
CenO*204 folds
gelyte folds
CenO*204 stands up
capt rosey sits in
cx5000 calls
roychung calls
mossy07 calls
Dealing flop: [2d, Qc, 6d]
cx5000 checks
roychung checks
mossy07 bets $500
chopi1 calls
cx5000 calls
roychung calls
Dealing turn: [2s]
BILLY JACK 50 takes a seat
cx5000 checks
roychung checks
mossy07 checks
chopi1 bets $500
cx5000 folds
roychung calls
mossy07 calls
Dealing river: [2c]
roychung checks
mossy07 bets $8,897
chopi1 calls
roychung calls
chopi1 shows [2h, Ah] for four twos
roychung shows [5h, 6h] for a full house, twos full of sixs
mossy07 shows [3d, Qs] for a full house, twos full of Queens
chopi1 wins main pot $19,025
chopi1 wins side pot $8,794
roychung stands up
mossy07 stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 2:47 PM, Wednesday March 11, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7s]
123spud0 raises $100
texet calls
chopi1 raises $3,075
AlleyOops folds
123spud0 calls
texet folds
Dealing flop: [3h, 5d, Qs]
Dealing turn: [6h]
Dealing river: [Kc]
WINNER ROBOT shows [2s, 5s] for a pair of fives
123spud0 shows [Jh, Ac] for Ace high
chopi1 shows [7d, 7s] for a pair of sevens
chopi1 wins main pot $9,150
chopi1 wins side pot $200
WINNER ROBOT stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 4:14 PM, Monday March 2, 2009 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4c, 4h]
wanting you sits out
wanting you folds
chopi1 raises $300
dovstar folds
LiLeFu folds
Gr8Scott folds
MatthewBird folds
tare1 raises $500
wanting you sits in
chopi1 calls
Dealing flop: [4d, 6d, 2s]
tare1 bets $400
chopi1 calls
Dealing turn: [8c]
Dealing river: [4s]
tare1 shows [9c, 9d] for two pair, nines and fours
chopi1 shows [4c, 4h] for four fours
chopi1 wins main pot $1,925
tare1 stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 1:58 PM, Thursday February 19, 2009 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6c, 4c]
tedhammer calls
actionguy9 calls
chopi1 calls
RoMale calls
schmooz10 checks
Dealing flop: [4s, 4d, 4h]
RoMale checks
schmooz10 checks
tedhammer sits out
tedhammer checks
actionguy9 checks
chopi1 checks
Dealing turn: [Jd]
RoMale checks
schmooz10 checks
tedhammer checks
actionguy9 bets $800
tedhammer sits in
chopi1 raises $1,600
RoMale folds
schmooz10 folds
tedhammer calls
actionguy9 raises $3,200
tedhammer sits out
tedhammer sits in
chopi1 calls
tedhammer calls
Dealing river: [Kd]
tedhammer checks
actionguy9 bets $6,800
chopi1 raises $13,600
tedhammer calls
actionguy9 calls
tedhammer shows [2d, 2h] for a full house, fours full of twos
actionguy9 shows [Jc, 2c] for a full house, fours full of Jacks
chopi1 shows [6c, 4c] for four fours
chopi1 wins main pot $34,000
chopi1 wins side pot $7,800
chopi1 wins side pot $2,700
tedhammer stands up
actionguy9 stands up
chopi1 wrote
at 3:16 PM, Friday January 23, 2009 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9s, Ks]
taratata7676 calls
jewboy2 calls
ltspurs raises $1,000
chopi1 calls
mr. fire folds
Sidone folds
taratata7676 calls
jewboy2 folds
Dealing flop: [3s, 9c, 6d]
taratata7676 checks
ltspurs bets $1,400
chopi1 raises $5,000
taratata7676 calls
ltspurs calls
Dealing turn: [2s]
taratata7676 checks
ltspurs checks
chopi1 bets $19,600
taratata7676 calls
ltspurs calls
Dealing river: [Qd]
ltspurs shows [5s, As] for Ace high
chopi1 shows [9s, Ks] for a pair of nines
taratata7676 shows [7h, 9h] for a pair of nines
chopi1 wins main pot $69,200
chopi1 wins side pot $5,400
taratata7676 stands up
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