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gibbo1993Add a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 1 of 1
gibbo1993: hey\
Theta Hoo is here
gibbo1993: what are you doing purp
Theta Hoo has left
texasFIGHT: he's attacking you
BeerRun: I'll flag yellow and purp
texasFIGHT: you're not flagged
gibbo1993: no shit, we had a truce!
texasFIGHT: guess it's over now
nomercyjack: never saw that truce
texasFIGHT: i dont' think anyone did
BeerRun: can't say I saw it
gibbo1993: it was before start
gibbo1993: before you sat in
texasFIGHT: oh so a PGA?
nomercyjack: lol
texasFIGHT: dumbass
EulerPi: it was.. I saw it
BeerRun: lol, you do know that is illegal, right?
texasFIGHT on Saturday December 6, 2008 |