Level 59
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Terrible player. One of the worst.
microgravity on Thursday June 25, 2009
Viana it is called RESPECTING FLAGS. You should try it some time. For someone who is using a woman's name you do seem to swear like a sailor. Please do not be so angry all the time.
Soda Pop on Thursday June 25, 2009
Horrible person. Promises to flag but never does. Backstabs. Does not respect flags at all. PGA with greekboy. You are despicable.
pedoramus on Thursday June 25, 2009
a real douchebag... pga with turkish_power. i moved a 5 stack early in the game to let him connect, then guarded his peninsula for him while getting crushed by another player. Then, after he took some of my lands to come help fight, another player (Turkish_Power) says "kill blue please." And, the douchebag does it. Ungrateful spic bastard. No wonder Portugese women are all gay with douchebags like this running around. His mom says he has a tiny penis too. At least I think that's what she said - I couldn't really understand her with my throbbing cock in her mouth. I'll give him this though - his mom has the TIGHTEST ass I've ever stuck a champagne bottle into!
cheersmates on Saturday June 20, 2009
PGA, and cost me the tournament because he fucked me instead of respecting my flag. Really lame player.
ilPAL on Tuesday June 16, 2009
Poor player, babbles incoherently, rude, ignores flags, and was PGA in my game. Overall an absolutely terrible player to have at your table. I'd suggest you refer people to his 'reviews' page and kill him off as quickly as possible.
fuzzniznaz on Tuesday June 9, 2009
PGA player
Reguel on Saturday June 6, 2009
learn how to speak English you illiterate fuck
Slam Masterson on Friday June 5, 2009
such a bastard! wenty out of his way to kill me for no reason when he was being attacked by some other players
navales on Monday May 18, 2009
piece of shit wont respect flags asshole
aphex732 on Friday May 15, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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