Level 77
to level 78

cool g

EddyB: Hes as fair as they get.
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cool g wrote
at 2:15 AM, Sunday January 2, 2011 EST
+12 dice
SDZion's turn
cool g defeated 6v3, 22 to 4, (3,2,4,5,3,5 to 2,1,1)
cool g defeated 5v1, 17 to 6, (2,4,5,3,3 to 6)
cool g defeated 4v2, 12 to 10, (1,5,4,2 to 5,5)
+4 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
+8 dice
Bombardier DS 65's turn
itzikito defeated 4v3, 14 to 5, (3,2,4,5 to 2,1,2)
.3rdbase. defeated 3v2, 11 to 7, (3,3,5 to 5,2)
(-50 for 7th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 1054th Score: -50 to 0◆.
Tomasz Olszewski finishes 7th in round 3
Tomasz Olszewski stands up
.3rdbase. defeated 2v2, 8 to 6, (5,3 to 5,1)
+3 dice
itzikito's turn
cool g defeated 3v2, 11 to 7, (2,4,5 to 3,4)
+3 dice
Michael Katz's turn
+3 dice
cool g's turn
SDZion defended 3v4, 7 to 17, (5,1,1 to 6,4,2,5)
SDZion defeated 3v1, 8 to 2, (1,1,6 to 2)
SDZion defended 2v4, 6 to 19, (3,3 to 2,6,6,5)
+7 dice
SDZion's turn
cool g defended 4v3, 13 to 17, (1,1,5,6 to 5,6,6)
cool g defeated 3v3, 13 to 6, (5,2,6 to 3,2,1)
+4 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
Bombardier DS 65 defeated 7v2, 17 to 6, (5,1,2,1,1,1,6 to 5,1)
Michael Katz defeated 6v3, 21 to 7, (2,5,5,1,5,3 to 1,4,2)
Michael Katz defeated 5v4, 16 to 10, (6,3,5,1,1 to 5,1,3,1)
Bombardier DS 65 defeated 2v1, 5 to 3, (2,3 to 3)
Bombardier DS 65 defeated 3v1, 10 to 5, (1,5,4 to 5)
neutral defeated 3v1, 7 to 1, (1,1,5 to 1)
+12 dice
Bombardier DS 65's turn
SDZion defeated 4v3, 15 to 6, (4,5,4,2 to 2,3,1)
+4 dice
itzikito's turn
cool g defeated 3v2, 12 to 8, (2,5,5 to 6,2)
+4 dice
Michael Katz's turn
itzikito defeated 4v3, 15 to 14, (6,2,4,3 to 5,3,6)
itzikito defeated 3v2, 13 to 6, (2,5,6 to 5,1)
+3 dice
cool g's turn
+7 dice
SDZion's turn
itzikito defeated 3v1, 15 to 5, (6,6,3 to 5)
+4 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
Michael Katz defeated 6v2, 21 to 7, (5,2,2,5,1,6 to 4,3)
SDZion defeated 5v3, 16 to 12, (6,1,3,1,5 to 5,3,4)
SDZion defeated 4v2, 15 to 4, (6,5,3,1 to 3,1)
itzikito defeated 2v1, 12 to 5, (6,6 to 5)
+16 dice
Bombardier DS 65's turn
+4 dice
itzikito's turn
neutral defeated 6v2, 15 to 7, (5,2,4,1,1,2 to 4,3)
SDZion defeated 5v4, 19 to 11, (3,1,6,4,5 to 2,3,4,2)
SDZion defeated 4v2, 14 to 4, (5,5,2,2 to 1,3)
(-40 for 6th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 1055th Score: -40 to 0◆.
SDZion finishes 6th in round 6
SDZion stands up
.3rdbase. defeated 3v2, 14 to 7, (3,5,6 to 2,5)
Michael Katz defended 2v2, 4 to 9, (1,3 to 4,5)
+5 dice
Michael Katz's turn
+1 dice
cool g's turn
itzikito defeated 6v3, 15 to 7, (5,2,2,3,1,2 to 2,1,4)
itzikito defeated 5v1, 14 to 3, (1,3,6,3,1 to 3)
+9 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
itzikito defeated 4v2, 17 to 12, (5,2,6,4 to 6,6)
+13 dice
Bombardier DS 65's turn
itzikito defeated 6v3, 21 to 7, (5,2,2,4,5,3 to 1,1,5)
.3rdbase. defended 5v4, 14 to 14, (5,4,1,2,2 to 4,6,3,1)
+5 dice
itzikito's turn
+1 dice
Michael Katz's turn
+1 dice
cool g's turn
+9 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
itzikito defeated 4v2, 12 to 2, (3,2,3,4 to 1,1)
(-10 for 5th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 1054th Score: -10 to 0◆.
itzikito finishes 5th in round 7
itzikito stands up
Michael Katz defeated 3v2, 11 to 6, (3,3,5 to 3,3)
+18 dice
Bombardier DS 65's turn
+5 dice
Michael Katz's turn
(+0 for 4th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 273rd Score: +0 to 259◆.
Bombardier DS 65 finishes 4th in round 8
Bombardier DS 65 stands up
Michael Katz sits out
+1 dice
cool g's turn
neutral defended 6v5, 14 to 15, (1,6,2,2,1,2 to 5,2,5,2,1)
neutral defended 5v4, 13 to 19, (5,3,2,1,2 to 6,6,1,6)
.3rdbase. defended 7v8, 20 to 34, (1,3,3,1,2,4,6 to 5,5,6,4,6,2,2,4)
.3rdbase. defended 6v8, 26 to 34, (5,5,5,3,5,3 to 6,2,5,6,3,4,6,2)
.3rdbase. defended 5v8, 19 to 37, (2,4,6,4,3 to 4,6,3,5,4,6,6,3)
neutral defended 3v5, 7 to 21, (2,2,3 to 3,5,6,2,5)
Michael Katz sits in
Michael Katz sits out
+9 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
Michael Katz sits in
+18 dice
Michael Katz's turn
.3rdbase. defeated 6v4, 15 to 13, (1,2,2,2,5,3 to 1,6,1,5)
.3rdbase. defeated 5v1, 13 to 2, (6,3,1,1,2 to 2)
neutral defeated 4v1, 8 to 6, (1,3,3,1 to 6)
+4 dice
cool g's turn
neutral defended 4v5, 14 to 16, (1,3,6,4 to 4,1,1,5,5)
neutral defeated 4v5, 18 to 17, (3,6,4,5 to 3,4,3,6,1)
Michael Katz defeated 3v1, 8 to 4, (2,4,2 to 4)
Michael Katz defended 2v2, 5 to 10, (1,4 to 5,5)
+11 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
+15 dice
Michael Katz's turn
cool g defeated 5v3, 13 to 12, (2,3,4,1,3 to 3,4,5)
cool g defeated 4v1, 13 to 3, (2,1,5,5 to 3)
+3 dice
cool g's turn
Michael Katz defeated 3v3, 9 to 8, (6,2,1 to 3,1,4)
Michael Katz defended 2v3, 7 to 12, (6,1 to 1,5,6)
+9 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
+15 dice
Michael Katz's turn
cool g defended 3v3, 5 to 9, (2,2,1 to 1,2,6)
+2 dice
cool g's turn
Michael Katz defeated 3v2, 14 to 11, (6,2,6 to 6,5)
Michael Katz defeated 2v2, 11 to 6, (6,5 to 4,2)
neutral defeated 5v4, 17 to 10, (2,2,5,4,4 to 1,3,5,1)
neutral defended 4v5, 14 to 24, (6,2,1,5 to 3,5,6,5,5)
+13 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
+15 dice
Michael Katz's turn
+2 dice
cool g's turn
Michael Katz defeated 2v3, 9 to 7, (5,4 to 3,1,3)
+14 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
+15 dice
Michael Katz's turn
+1 dice
cool g's turn
Michael Katz defended 3v5, 14 to 20, (6,2,6 to 2,6,5,3,4)
+14 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
+15 dice
Michael Katz's turn
cool g defeated 5v2, 10 to 4, (2,3,2,1,2 to 3,1)
cool g defended 4v6, 9 to 26, (3,2,1,3 to 4,5,6,6,3,2)
+2 dice
cool g's turn
.3rdbase. defeated 6v8, 24 to 20, (4,1,4,6,5,4 to 2,1,1,5,3,1,6,1)
.3rdbase. defeated 5v8, 18 to 17, (2,3,5,6,2 to 1,6,1,1,4,2,1,1)
.3rdbase. defended 4v8, 17 to 28, (5,5,4,3 to 2,4,5,4,4,3,1,5)
cool g sits out
+15 dice
.3rdbase.'s turn
Michael Katz defeated 8v2, 31 to 6, (6,4,2,1,4,4,6,4 to 1,5)
Michael Katz defeated 7v2, 29 to 9, (6,3,6,1,5,3,5 to 6,3)
(+10 for 3rd and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 923rd Score: +10 to 20◆.
Michael Katz finishes 3rd in round 14
Michael Katz stands up
cool g defeated 6v4, 22 to 14, (4,3,6,4,3,2 to 5,6,2,1)
cool g defeated 8v7, 29 to 27, (2,5,4,2,5,5,5,1 to 5,4,6,3,1,4,4)
+18 dice
cool g wrote
at 4:14 PM, Wednesday December 29, 2010 EST
Bollerus's turn
cool g defeated 8v4, 23 to 13, (1,6,1,1,3,6,1,4 to 4,4,1,4)
+8 dice
cool g wrote
at 6:26 PM, Monday December 6, 2010 EST
(+487 for 1st and +468 for dominance)
Rank: 2nd Score: +955 to 20045??.
cool g finishes 1st in round 10
cool g wrote
at 5:51 PM, Wednesday December 1, 2010 EST
hmmm 4th... progress :)
at 4:04 PM, Friday November 26, 2010 EST
Really is a cool g :D
cool g wrote
at 5:41 PM, Saturday November 6, 2010 EDT
cool g's turn
Sexy Flanders defended 8v8, 8 to 33, (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 to 1,6,4,6,6,1,4,5)
+10 dice
cool g wrote
at 8:58 PM, Wednesday October 20, 2010 EDT
ty all, even Casey :)
mattz1 wrote
at 9:07 PM, Thursday October 7, 2010 EDT
this kid really needs to just fuck off, haha. he used to be cool, just a bitch now. i was a fan of him, now i will try and kill him
kdiceplaya! wrote
at 10:47 AM, Friday October 1, 2010 EDT
Might ask to get this review changed...that way you reduce bad reviews from 95% to 93% haha!

Just to remind you, idiot.
Mustang on Monday August 17, 2009
kdiceplaya! wrote
at 10:43 AM, Friday October 1, 2010 EDT
Nice Blue #2 bro!
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary