Level 77
to level 78

cool g

EddyB: Hes as fair as they get.
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. +changeAvatar jurgen 6:52 PM, Sunday September 6, 2015 EDT
good luck with the account, make me proud and be a good boy ok :) +chat +play +post jurgen 12:57 PM, Thursday September 3, 2015 EDT
permabanned for sharing with veta, sorry bro -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -re-register -avatar jurgen 2:56 PM, Friday November 11, 2011 EST
play restored +play jurgen 5:01 AM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
using a shared account, ban until the end of the month -play jurgen 7:54 PM, Friday October 28, 2011 EDT
wb +chat +play +post jurgen 5:21 AM, Sunday June 5, 2011 EDT
don't N ? G G ? R the forum, but welcome back -chat -play -post jurgen 7:50 AM, Saturday June 4, 2011 EDT
spamming guess box -changeAvatar -chat -play -post kellykellymoore 1:11 AM, Thursday February 24, 2011 EST

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pga with cool g, don't trust his vflags
archentar on Friday November 19, 2010
Genuinely a douchebag.
lkcxd on Sunday November 14, 2010
Haha just a politicus. Never fair to other people.
Krisbody on Saturday November 13, 2010
Whata pathetic asshole. PGA only and no respect for flags!!!!
Phononguy on Saturday November 13, 2010
tried to backstab me but thankgod kendawg and pig looked out.
chickinstripes on Thursday November 11, 2010
Player is pga with $po Money
Beach_Bum_13 on Saturday November 6, 2010
Spoiler Alert: Did you know that Cool_G is 14 and English is his/her 4th language? Apparently, he/she was too modest to mention it before today. Also, as approved (see below), here is the chat that I had. [~~~Note: almost all "is here" and "has left" lines have been deleted.~~~] ++++++++++ Cool_G: oh ok............... Cool_G: cc, lets playt main or pga here? .....[~~~The "joke" pga.~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: pga .....[~~~The joke pga agreed to.~~~]............... Cool_G: ok .....[~~~The joke pga agreement confirmed.~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: I ain't touchin' my main until the sunday slam............... 0riginal3nigma: ;)............... 0riginal3nigma: busy tomorrow anyway............... Cool_G: :P............... juango_: cool g............... Tucker85: yup............... Tucker85: that's a pga. .....[~~~One of several of us not "in" on the pga joke.~~~]............... Tucker85: gg............... Tucker85: I don't play with dumbfucks................ Cool_G: cool............... Tucker85 has left............... 0riginal3nigma: :O............... 0riginal3nigma: well I never............... 0riginal3nigma: flag red .....[~~~This is the flag the inclusion of which Original so nervously desired (see below). Worried about the "joke" pga already?~~~]............... Cool_G: this is a 0 .....[~~~The "this is a 0" defense? They are on top of this misunderstanding of their pga "joke" already.~~~]............... Cool_G: lol............... Cool_G: give it a brerak .....[~~~The best defense is a good offense. Now those not in on the joke are at fault?~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: he left a bit ago :P............... Cool_G: i know............... Tucker85 is here [***not deleted on purpose***]............... Cool_G: connect with ur 7 .....[~~~"Silent truce" they call it later.~~~]............... Cool_G: over blue' .....[~~~"Silent truce" they call it later.~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: yea .....[~~~"Silent truce" they call it later.~~~]............... Tucker85 has left............... 0riginal3nigma: oh you conencted............... 0riginal3nigma: lol :P............... Cool_G: was that not cool .....[~~~Just having fun on the 0 tables. The rest of us?~~~]............... Cool_G: i took only 2............... Cool_G: :............... Cool_G: P............... 0riginal3nigma: totally missed it............... 0riginal3nigma: but I bet it was!............... Cool_G: now............... Cool_G: i only took 3............... Cool_G: lol............... 0riginal3nigma: STOP FARMING ME............... 0riginal3nigma: MY DOM!............... 0riginal3nigma: D:............... Cool_G: :)............... Cool_G: BAM............... oakcliff: blue--they are pga--forget the flag............... 0riginal3nigma: no we truced .....[~~~The "no we truced" defense?~~~]............... oakcliff: no pga--you said so in the chat............... Cool_G: the pga was a joke .....[~~~The "the pga was a joke" defense?~~~]............... Cool_G: calm down .....[~~~The best defense is a good offense. The rest of us are to blame?~~~]............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: i am calm............... 0riginal3nigma: I flagged him earlier............... oakcliff: lol............... Cool_G: its a 0 table .....[~~~Again the "its a 0 table" defense? The rules don't apply on 0 tables? Cool_G is slumming in the 0 tables so he doesn't care?~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: didn't you see?............... Cool_G: we both have mains............... Cool_G: in the top 10............... Cool_G: were having fun .....[~~~*My second favorite part. "You don't know this, but we are really great players. We are having fun slumming. Don't worry if we trash your table."~~~]............... oakcliff: pga is against the rules--there is no 0 table exception............... oakcliff: having fun at our expense you mean............... Cool_G: we both have mains in the top 10............... Cool_G: were habing fun............... 0riginal3nigma: don't expose us!............... oakcliff: having fun at our expense............... Cool_G: haha............... Cool_G: 2 out of 10 pll............... 0riginal3nigma: my main is in the top 200 >.> .....[~~~Holy smoke! The top 200! Thanks for playing at our table!~~~]............... Cool_G: we have chances............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: you aren't embarassed by anything are you green?............... 0riginal3nigma: totally............... oakcliff: the "don't expose us" was a joke, right?............... 0riginal3nigma: obviously............... oakcliff: where was the truce again?............... 0riginal3nigma: it was a silent truce .....[~~~"it was a silent truce" says Original3nigma. He forgot to mention the "joke" pga.~~~]............... oakcliff: missed it in chat............... 0riginal3nigma: but I did flag............... 0riginal3nigma: in chat............... 0riginal3nigma: for real............... oakcliff: flag isn't a truce, right?............... 0riginal3nigma: I do both............... 0riginal3nigma: because I'm crazy............... oakcliff: red crossing over to attack blue to help you after blue flagged?............... oakcliff: what was that?............... 0riginal3nigma: oh I didn't see that part............... Cool_G: blue............... Cool_G: never falged me............... 0riginal3nigma: I thought he was just farming me............... Cool_G: blue never flaged me [~~~blue had put up a "real" flag not a chat flag~~~]............... oakcliff: so you won't mind if i post all the chat, right?............... 0riginal3nigma: yea I don't think blue typed once............... Cool_G: lol............... .....[~~~The table is beginning to refill for the next game following Cool_G's win.~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: post what? .....[~~~Original3nigma suddenly worried? He hadn't thought about the chat?~~~]............... Cool_G: oak yes............... Cool_G: i dont mind............... Cool_G: lol............... 0riginal3nigma: post the part where I flagged .....[~~~Original3nigma really is worried it seems.~~~]............... oakcliff: thanks............... oakcliff: i'll post what i have............... 0riginal3nigma: well then it's not enough .....[~~~"not enough"? What is Original3nigma worried about? The "joke" pga?~~~]............... oakcliff: sorry about that--red doesn't mind though............... oakcliff: we'll see what i have............... 0riginal3nigma: if you really want to............... oakcliff: the suspense is exciting............... 0riginal3nigma: not really............... oakcliff: thanks, purple, for your permission............... Cool_G: aok, u realize u cant get banned for that? .....[~~~"banned"? Who mentioned banned? Guilty conscience?~~~]............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: appreciate it............... 0riginal3nigma: np............... oakcliff: banned? who mentioned banned?............... Cool_G: well y else would u post shit? .....[~~~Guilty conscience?~~~]............... Cool_G: rofl............... oakcliff: "rofl"? really? Cool_G: to warn others? lol oakcliff: you rolled on the floor? .....[~~~Did Cool_G really roll on the floor? Usually he laughs out loud.~~~]............... oakcliff: really?............... Cool_G: every1 knows us .....[~~~The "everyone knows us" defense?~~~]............... oakcliff: then it is no problem, right?............... oakcliff: right?............... 0riginal3nigma: I like this guy .....[~~~"I like this guy."~~~]............... Cool_G: uh yes i already said............... Cool_G: u can post............... Cool_G: anything u want............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: great!............... oakcliff: lol!............... oakcliff: :)............... Cool_G: im jsut trying to ask what u doing it for............... Cool_G: what u thing will happan?............... oakcliff: are you pga this game?............... Cool_G: ofc not............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: are you truced yet this game?............... 0riginal3nigma: we weren't even pga the last game............... 0riginal3nigma: I flagged lol............... Cool_G: we werent pga last game............... oakcliff: silent truced this game yet?............... Cool_G: and were not this game............... oakcliff: is the answer "no"?............... Cool_G: i thouhg thats what u waneed to do............... Cool_G: and it was funny............... 0riginal3nigma: why else post it? .....[~~~"why else post it"~~~]............... oakcliff: why would you think that?............... Cool_G: cause thats the reson............... Cool_G: most pll post .....[~~~Does it matter whether Cool_G is banned or not? Not to me.~~~]............... Cool_G: ?............... 0riginal3nigma: why are you still here? and not making that post ;) .....[~~~Original no longer worried? False bravado? Reverse psychology?~~~]............... oakcliff: is there a time limit i don't know about?............... Noro Barseghyan: lol............... Cool_G: nope............... oakcliff: are you in a hurry, purple?............... 0riginal3nigma: lol............... 0riginal3nigma: I really like this guy .....[~~~"I really like this guy."~~~]............... Cool_G: i do too .....[~~~"i do too"~~~]............... oakcliff: what are your other names?............... Cool_G: wanna be BFFs?............... 0riginal3nigma: a lot of questions............... Cool_G: aok............... oakcliff: your main names?............... Cool_G: lol............... Cool_G: mian?............... Cool_G: as in in real life?............... Cool_G: LOL............... oakcliff: the one's you are so proud of?............... oakcliff: no, the Kdice names you referred to............... Cool_G: im proud of my name in real life............... oakcliff: what's the matter?............... 0riginal3nigma: my main............... Noro Barseghyan: or the ones you hate alot............... 0riginal3nigma: is............... 0riginal3nigma: oakcliff............... Cool_G: :)............... Cool_G: ill tell u my main............... Noro Barseghyan: flag green? .....[~~~The 2nd game is ongoing as we chat.~~~]............... WorstPlayerEver: Already?............... Cool_G: pappytoscrap............... Noro Barseghyan: than no Cool_G: happytoscrap* .....[~~~Cool_G not quite ready for the big reveal? Building the suspense?~~~]............... oakcliff: you implied earlier that because you have "main"'s in the Top 100, that playing around on the 0 tables must be okay--okay to pga, okay to silent truce from game to game............... Cool_G: ohh dammit............... oakcliff: you seem quite reticent now............... Cool_G: happys isnt plaing this month............... N.Chamberlin: flag teal............... Cool_G: that was a fail............... Cool_G: frame............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: that is sometimes called "guilty knowledge"............... Cool_G: well aok we do............... Cool_G: but we dont want u............... Cool_G: talking to us............... 0riginal3nigma: he's book smart .....[~~~As opposed to whatever Original3nigma is? Is that "non-book smart," perhaps?~~~]............... Cool_G: not our mains............... Golum: red and purp truced?............... Noro Barseghyan: flag yel............... 0riginal3nigma: we did?............... Golum: i am asking............... oakcliff: "silent truce" they call it............... Cool_G: u realize how annoyin u are, y would i want to takl to u on my main? .....[~~~See above: "0riginal3nigma: I really like this guy Cool_G: i do too." Which is the truth?~~~]............... Cool_G: lol............... Noro Barseghyan: they did didnt they?............... 0riginal3nigma: silent truces exist yes............... Cool_G: no teal............... Cool_G: no1 truced............... Cool_G: i falg u............... oakcliff: they say they haven't done any such thing--they don't seem so proud of it anymore............... 0riginal3nigma: ?............... N.Chamberlin: ok blue............... oakcliff: a little earlier they were cocky and proud of their silent truces............... 0riginal3nigma: wow stab............... Cool_G: aok siletnt truce............... oakcliff: no? you disagree?............... Cool_G: and pga is diffrent............... oakcliff: a silent truce from game-to-game? .....[~~~I bring up "game to game."~~~]............... Cool_G: read montecarlo's guide............... Cool_G: and learn............... Cool_G: kill my island............... Cool_G: teal............... Cool_G: plss............... Golum: yes?............... Cool_G: kill my 1............... oakcliff: red, is a silent truce from game to game okay?............... Golum: you flag ?............... Cool_G: nope............... Cool_G: thats pga .....[~~~Cool_G and I agree that that would be PGA. "Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed" (according to the first of two Game Rules) and are commonly called "PGA" for "pre-game alliance."~~~] 0riginal3nigma: red flagged a while ago............... Golum: then sry............... Cool_G: i did............... Cool_G: flag............... Cool_G: yes............... Cool_G: long ago............... Cool_G: i said............... Cool_G: i flag teal............... Golum: you flag to me?............... oakcliff: are any game-to-game favors allowed at all at any level?............... Golum: k............... Cool_G: yes............... Cool_G: lol............... Vohaul is here [***Not deleted on purpose.***]............... Cool_G: Vo!............... Cool_G: hey............... Vohaul: Sup NC, is Beepa here though?............... Vohaul: Also sup Cool............... Vohaul: lol............... N.Chamberlin: Hi Vo............... Vohaul: Ouch............... Vohaul: Nice stretch by cool though............... Vohaul: lol............... Cool_G: skillsz............... oakcliff: red, are any game-to-game favors allowed at all at any level?............... Vohaul: only for me............... Cool_G: nope .....[~~~Cool_G appears to know the rule. No need to delve into "ignorance of the law is no excuse." Do they consider themselves above the rules? Maybe only on 0 tables?~~~]............... Cool_G: only............... Cool_G: for Vo............... Cool_G: and Jessy............... Vohaul: But I don't play as often, so don't run into it............... Cool_G: and Joe............... Cool_G: lol............... oakcliff: thanks for clarifying that, red............... oakcliff: that was my understanding, too............... Cool_G: joe= montecarlo............... Cool_G: Jessy = fiero............... Cool_G: if u didnt know .....[~~~Supercillious? Friendly FYI?~~~]............... Noro Barseghyan: flag teal............... Cool_G: btw............... Cool_G: aok............... Cool_G: read monte's guide............... Cool_G: seriosly .....[~~~Sincerity? Can he fake that?~~~]............... Cool_G: ull understand............... oakcliff: i read it............... Cool_G: how pll at top level play............... Cool_G: did u?............... oakcliff: yes............... Cool_G: oh ok............... Cool_G: good............... Vohaul: Shoot, Beepa isn't here is she............... Vohaul: Was gonna say hi............... Vohaul: lol............... oakcliff: maybe i need to re-read it............... 0riginal3nigma: flag teal -.- ............... Golum: k............... Golum: pls show flags............... oakcliff: how is what you did not giving game-to-game favors, red?............... Noro Barseghyan: flag teal............... Cool_G: u understand what he means by favortism, but not pga? .....[~~~Cool_G trying some artful dodging with a straw man?~~~]............... oakcliff: game to game favors is the question here............... Golum: k blue............... 0riginal3nigma: being friendly with your neighbours also works .....[~~~The "being friendly with your neighbors" defense? Better let Cool_G handle this, Original.~~~]............... oakcliff: game to game?............... 0riginal3nigma: we was my neighbour both games .....[~~~The "he was my neighbor both games" defense? You REALLY should let Cool_G handle this, Original.~~~]............... Golum: red pls show your flag if you are going 2nd............... oakcliff: nice rule--always an exception, is that it?............... oakcliff: "my neighbor"--always works, right?............... Cool_G: because aok, i was plaing my main for a while won 4 games in a row decided i was having a good streak, so i decided to take a break, and come chill here, then i saw my freind, so i decided to joke around and have sonme fun............... oakcliff: game-to-game is meaningless, right?............... Cool_G: on my main ofc............... 0riginal3nigma: if he doesn't attack me, I won't attack him .....[~~~"if he doesn't attack me, I won't attack him" You REALLY, REALLY need to let Cool_G handle this, Original.~~~]............... Cool_G: i never pga .....[~~~Finally, a flat out declaration. Still, he might consider playing around the edges of pga--especially on the 0 tables.~~~]............... Cool_G: or game to game............... 0riginal3nigma: oh shit............... Golum: blue you could have flagged 2nd............... oakcliff: so you say, red............... 0riginal3nigma: it must have changed............... oakcliff: you say that the "pga" remark was a joke............... Cool_G: ya .....[~~~Claiming again that the "pga" stuff at the top of this was a joke.~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: obviously .....[~~~Now it is "obvious." The rest of us at the table must found it so obvious we missed it?~~~]............... oakcliff: and it turns into a "silent truce"............... Cool_G: it was............... Cool_G: no............... Cool_G: silent truce............... oakcliff: nice coincidence............... Cool_G: is comluety diff............... oakcliff: could be............... Cool_G: is............... Cool_G: btw............... Cool_G: side question............... Noro Barseghyan: whats btw............... oakcliff: by the way............... 0riginal3nigma: by the way............... Vohaul has left [***Not deleted on purpose.***]............... Cool_G: how am i holding up in this arguement?............... Noro Barseghyan: oh............... oakcliff: what difference does that make?............... Cool_G: well .....[~~~My favorite part. This is so familiar; perhaps I have heard it before.~~~]............... Cool_G: im 14 .....[~~~No?! Really?! A boy genius!~~~]............... oakcliff: you have nothing to hide, why worry about it?............... Cool_G: and englush is my 4th............... Cool_G: language .....[~~~(stunned silence) WOW! FOURTH language! Not second. Not third. FOURTH! Holy smoke!~~~]............... Cool_G: so i was trhinking............... Cool_G: if im doing ok............... 0riginal3nigma: he's trying to mind fuck you, g .....[~~~Huh? G seems fine, doesn't he? Not to put too fine a point on it, but--WOW--you REALLY should leave this to Cool_G, Original (see above).~~~]............... 0riginal3nigma: with all the questions?............... Cool_G: pussint up a disscution............... 0riginal3nigma: and ending everything like this?............... oakcliff: sorry, i don't understand .....[~~~I really do not understand the "pussint up a disscution," but as English is Cool's 4th language--FOURTH!--and he is fourteen--14!--we will naturally cut him some VERY serious slack (see below).~~~]............... Cool_G: oh i dont mind him at all............... Cool_G: i love disscutions............... Cool_G: and agruments............... 0riginal3nigma: I call em as I see em .....[~~~Except where guys "joke" about PGA and then end up in a "coincidental" silent truce--THAT is quite nuanced and deep. You can't call THAT as you see it, right?~~~]............... Cool_G: especailly with adults............... 0riginal3nigma: lol I'm an adult............... 0riginal3nigma: >:D............... Cool_G: casue i often calm out more cultured............... 0riginal3nigma: but I don't age makes a difference on this site............... Cool_G: anyway............... 0riginal3nigma: think*............... Cool_G: anyway............... Cool_G: i think im gonna play my main............... 0riginal3nigma: alright............... 0riginal3nigma: see you sunday............... 0riginal3nigma: :P............... Cool_G: cool............... Cool_G: later bro............... 0riginal3nigma: latez............... 0riginal3nigma: bye oak............... cool g is here .....[~~~Cool_G waving "bye" to me?~~~]............... cool g has left............... .....[~~~End of chat clip.~~~] ++++++++++ Cool_G, we finally compelled you to reveal the secret you so charmingly and modestly hide: you are fourteen--14!--and English is your fourth--4th!--language. No fooling? I must say that THAT is your real defense. Forget the "joke" pga, forget the "0 tables," forget the "we have top mains," forget the "silent truces," forget the "we were neighbors two games in a row." For goodness sake, how can we deny you anything? Do what you want. It doesn't matter if you broke the rules or not--the rules don't apply to YOU, obviously. Oh, and any buddies of yours are covered by this, obviously.
oakcliff on Saturday November 6, 2010
He's a loser, calls everyone noobs if he somehow gets outplayed.
Bill Shropshire on Wednesday November 3, 2010
PGA with snaggleprong. Watch out.
tsjombe on Saturday October 30, 2010
pga with refresh, unfair players and tries to control everybody on the game.
papito1900 on Tuesday October 26, 2010
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