Level 41
to level 42 |
desperado89Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Backstabbed me for 3rd in the tourney after ruining a 3/5 fight.
ShadowII on Thursday March 15, 2012 Watched this player go from 2 dice and trash flags to a backstab and 3rd place.
Soromon on Thursday March 15, 2012 piece of shit. screwed me over in a tourney to get the same position he would have had in any event. -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
CuteKittens on Thursday March 15, 2012 really bad player :P instead of cutting and potentially getting 1st, he decides to get 5, gg.
thepoopface on Wednesday March 14, 2012 Doesn't accept flags, do not honour his flag, he can't be trusted
tty_csu on Tuesday March 13, 2012 good player
mohel on Friday March 9, 2012 2012-03-08 desperado89 and urkul are backstabbing 3%ers. They flag and then attack. They are pathetic and they know
it, but that doesn't stop them, of course. No problem. We mature, civilized players know that there will always be bad
players like urkul and desperado89. It is fun to watch them act out like that and think they are putting one over on
everyone when in reality we watch them, point at them, and laugh at them. ++++++++++
3.14159: muddy is still mad that i called him out for being a bad 1st place player :) ----------
urkul: flag purple ########## [Note: This is the flag that urkul backstabs on.] ----------
Klinky: accept ----------
Klinky: pfft ----------
desperado89: flag up grenn ########## [Note: This is the flag that desperado89 backstabs on.] ----------
3.14159: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
urkul: gg ----------
3.14159: teal is going back on his own flag ----------
3.14159: ? ----------
Klinky: ? ----------
3.14159: yup ----------
desperado89: no ----------
urkul: es ----------
urkul: yes ----------
desperado89: flag up 2 green ----------
3.14159: you flagged to green and now attacked him ----------
3.14159: backstabbing teal ----------
urkul: yep ----------
3.14159: leave him a bad review ----------
3.14159: copy and paste this chat text ----------
desperado89: lol ----------
3.14159: lol ----------
3.14159: rofl ----------
3.14159: lmao ----------
3.14159: pick one teal ----------
3.14159: teal is just another 3%er ----------
Klinky: I don't see where he flagged green :| ----------
3.14159: one of the rats and cockroaches we have on kdice ----------
urkul: hahah so am i ########## [Note: urkul attacks purple to complete his backstab.] ----------
3.14159: right teal? ----------
desperado89: flag up green ----------
Klinky: what? ----------
3.14159: green is too ----------
Klinky: you flagged me :| ----------
3.14159: and says so ----------
desperado89: lolo ----------
3.14159: lol ----------
3.14159: rofl ----------
3.14159: lmao ----------
3.14159: pick one teal
3.14159 on Thursday March 8, 2012 Not respect his promise to flag me....
JJL on Wednesday February 29, 2012 Doesn't accept flags, do not honour his flag, he can't be trusted
Loobee on Sunday February 19, 2012 paranoid, he fuck up everyone who can't press his 2nd or 3rd flag
CrazyBear on Saturday February 18, 2012 |