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kaiosezzar on Sunday April 12, 2015 Good player!
tghGaz on Thursday January 30, 2014 who are you?
Bachus on Wednesday January 22, 2014 wears white all winter. still can't believe they took the "Gilmore girls" off the air. writes fan letters to katy perry. always knew R. brand was wrong for her. doesn't really go boat racing but would like to.
yes me on Friday November 1, 2013 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 8===================================>~~~~~~~~~~~0: 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Mike Tython on Tuesday October 22, 2013 respects flags, great player!
DentArthurDent on Monday March 18, 2013 One of the great ones!
Gleekin on Wednesday January 16, 2013 no honor or fairness whatsoever
DivideAndConquer on Saturday November 17, 2012 2012-10-13 poudendum = superownage = boatracer continues to be a chat jerk and a fool--no surprise at all. Dear Readers, below poudendum the fool begs for examples from Plato's 'Republic' and below I give them. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. Poudendum is just visiting the game, I am in the game. ++++++++++ poudendum: yellow still went for it lolol ---------- 3.14159: ah, the old chat jerk speaks! ---------- poudendum: hey pie ---------- poudendum: i thought you had to cuss to qualify for that ########## [Note: The fool poudendum qualified as a chat jerk long ago (see below).] ---------- poudendum: or say something rude ########## [Note: The fool poudendum thinks that "yellow still went fo it lolol" is NOT rude. Besides, if his reading comprehension were better poudendum would note that I said "the old chat jerk speaks." Where in there does it say that what he JUST said was cause to be called a chat jerk? Nowhere, that is where. Fool poudendum.] ---------- poudendum: lowering your low standards for the low already? ---------- 3.14159: a jerk is a jerk ---------- poudendum: profound ########## [Note: Fool poudendum is snide in the face of his betters. That is quite common, of course. The benighted ambitious resent those who know more and are better than they are.] ---------- 3.14159: a jerk in chat is a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: sometimes the 'simple' things are the most profound ---------- 3.14159: ask Plato ---------- 3.14159: or Aristotle ---------- 3.14159: or Leo Strauss ---------- 3.14159: nothing? ---------- 3.14159: thought so ---------- poudendum: as oscar wilde said: A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally ---------- 3.14159: oscar wilde--profound ---------- poudendum: and leo strause with those other titans? ########## [Note: Fool poudendum THINKS they are titans because that is what he heard. He has no idea whether it is true or not.] ---------- poudendum: you are lowering your standards pie boy ########## [Note: Yes, I am--by chatting with fool poudendum. Most chat jerks, as dumb as they are, are much smarter than he.] ---------- 3.14159: you are a chat jerk, poud--always have been, always will be ---------- vino_en_carton: teal plans? ---------- poudendum: never get tired of your repetitive refrains [Note: Nice alliteration!] ---------- 3.14159: and you are ignorant, poud, because you speak loudly about things you don't know ---------- poudendum: ya know, saying something more than once does not make it true ---------- 3.14159: it doesn't make it NOT so ---------- 3.14159: duh ---------- poudendum: you should know that from our beloved plato [Note: "Our"? I doubt that fool poudenedum has ever read Plato. If fool poudendum loves Plato it is by the comic book version.] ---------- poudendum: but put away childish things as another titan once saith ---------- SamuraiNero: green+brwn=pga ---------- 3.14159: i may 'remind' you of a child, but you ARE a child... ---------- 3.14159: you are a rude chat jerk because it gives you a sense of power... ---------- poudendum: very profound pie...i heard that same quote long ago... ---------- 3.14159: beyond your natural abilities ---------- SamuraiNero: I gues not lol ---------- poudendum: how did it go? I know you are but what am I? ---------- SamuraiNero: flag green ---------- vino_en_carton: ty ---------- 3.14159: nothing you say, poud, can change the fact that you are a chat jerk... ---------- poudendum: pie, you are educated beyond your moniker ---------- 3.14159: try as you might to deflect ---------- 3.14159: deflect away, poud ---------- poudendum: deflect what ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- poudendum: you move was not that wise, i pointed it out and you start with the name calling ---------- poudendum: is it recess yet, little pie boy ---------- 3.14159: i don't see you pointing out ANY other moves--good or bad ---------- 3.14159: proof right there ---------- 3.14159: plus the "lol" ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- poudendum: well, now that's because I am not watching the game ---------- 3.14159: don't make lame excuses, poud ---------- vino_en_carton: lol purple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 ---------- poudendum: i am being edified, enlightened by you pie ---------- 3.14159: stand up and say "YES, I AM A CHAT JERK!" ---------- 3.14159: don't be a coward, poud ---------- 3.14159: you are easy to edify, poud, because you know so little ---------- poudendum: Don't put words into my mouth ---------- poudendum: you are a false intellect ---------- vino_en_carton: purple you are a noob-? ---------- poudendum: and you know it ---------- poudendum: and when anyone points that out...you start with the name calling ---------- poudendum: very childish ---------- poudendum: you can do better ---------- 3.14159: no, YOU chat jerks try to deflect away from acknowledging what you are... ---------- 3.14159: by calling names ---------- 3.14159: (1) you are jerks then... ---------- 3.14159: (2) i point it out and... ---------- poudendum: You started with the name calling...read the chat ########## ---------- 3.14159: (3) you guys deflect ---------- 3.14159: i will POST the chat--do not worry ---------- poudendum: I disagree, not deflect ---------- poudendum: get a webster pie boy ---------- poudendum: you false intellect ---------- poudendum: you know what they did with false prophets in the old testament pie boy? ########## [Note: Does fool poudendum now claim that I claim to be a prophet? Or is he the kind of weasel who cries "witch" against people and has them burned at the stake? Does fool poudendum say that I am a "false intellect" or a "false prophet" or both? Don't hide behind weasel words, fool poudendum. Stand up like the half-a-man you are.] ---------- 3.14159: whether i am an idiot or a fool or a pedantic pseudo-intellectual does NOT change the fact... ---------- 3.14159: that you are a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: see? you deflect ---------- rlt19: flag green ---------- 3.14159: by pointing at me ---------- vino_en_carton: ty ---------- poudendum: tired old refrain....the free song of the pie boy ---------- 3.14159: your failure to complain about it or contradict it is evidence enough in your case ---------- Terkal: flag green ---------- 3.14159: most innocent people will complain about false accusations ---------- poudendum: you think repetition doth truth make ---------- [Note: Fool poudendum has a theme going here. He hopes God or Jesus will protect him (doth?!?), but God and Jesus love the humble and the repentant NOT the chat jerk.] ---------- Terkal: fla green?!? ---------- vino_en_carton: im take back! ---------- vino_en_carton: acept ---------- Terkal: ok ---------- poudendum: You are so myopic to see my refutation? ########## [Note: "You are so myopic to see my refutation?" Missing a few words there, fool poudendum.] ---------- 3.14159: you do not complain because you know it is true: you are a chat jerk, poud ---------- poudendum: really pie boy...thought you were more subtle to nuance than that ########## ########## ########## [Note: MORE SUBTLE TO NUANCE!] ---------- vino_en_carton: bluea and purple 2 ord 4rt ---------- 3.14159: and it is in all your words that i post ---------- vino_en_carton: teal 3rd ---------- poudendum: but i should have known ---------- poudendum: you piss in your hat than proceed to don it on your head ---------- 3.14159: "more subtle to nuance"?!?! ---------- poudendum: i expect much better from you next time pie boy ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: nicely written ---------- poudendum: there you go ---------- poudendum: focus on typos instead of the meat ########## ########## ########## [Note: Fool poudendum thinks that was a typo! A typo, don't you agree Dear Readers, is a slip of the finger while typing; it is NOT choosing the wrong word and putting it in the wrong place.] ---------- 3.14159: you don't have enough points to sit at my table, poud ---------- 3.14159: typos, in YOUR case, prove how little you know ---------- 3.14159: the show off your sloppy, uneducated mind... ---------- 3.14159: that STILL won't say "YES, I AM A CHAT JERK" ---------- 3.14159: as you should ---------- Terkal: you have such a luck all the time ---------- poudendum: you focus on typos like a dog ########## [Note: Dogs focus on typos? Really? I didn't know that dogs could read. Fool poudendum knows something the rest of us do not.] ---------- poudendum: They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps ---------- 3.14159: "focuse"!?!?! what a fool! ---------- poudendum: pie boy...the false intellect ---------- poudendum: stares at the mote...but forgets the plank ########## [Note: Cloaking himself in religion again, fool poudendum would have us say, "patriotism AND religion are the last refuges of a scoundrel"--a scoundrel like fool poudendum. I wonder which "titan" I was quoting?] ---------- 3.14159: gee, you are not repetitive at all, poud ---------- poudendum: go ahead and make fun of typos on a kdice game ---------- 3.14159: that was NOT a typo ---------- 3.14159: it was inelegantly written by someone who can't write ---------- 3.14159: that is all ---------- 3.14159: YOU thought it was a typo? ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: you don't read, so you can't write ---------- poudendum: left you speechless...mouth breathing false intellect ---------- poudendum: reduced to wow ---------- 3.14159: read Plato? check what Socrates says--you idiot ---------- 3.14159: exclamations indicate things, fool poud ---------- poudendum: sure...what specifically are you referencing ########## ---------- 3.14159: this is pointless ---------- vino_en_carton: gga ---------- 3.14159: it is like trying to teach a dog algebra ---------- 3.14159: you aren't smart enough for me, poud ---------- 3.14159: forget it ---------- 3.14159: just continue to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: that is what you are good at ---------- poudendum: what in plato's writings were you referencing? ########### ########## ---------- poudendum: i would like to know ########## ########### [Note: Dear Readers, I don't think ANY of us believes fool poudendum would like to know. In his ignorance and pride, he just wants to challenge me.] ---------- poudendum: you said it...back it up pie boy ########## ########## [Note: This is the cowardly weasel throwing rocks at his betters. His anger and resentment at his shortcomings is palpable.] ---------- 3.14159: The Republic, for example ---------- 3.14159: oh, what!?! ---------- poudendum: what part of the republic? ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## [Note: Get ready for the boom.] ---------- 3.14159: gee, anywhere in it, you fool ---------- poudendum: hahahahah ---------- 3.14159: Socrates exclaims like that throughout the book ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## [Note: Citations from Plato's 'Republic' just to lower the boom on fool poudendum. 328c "By Zeus," 332a "by Zeus," 332c "in the name of Zeus," 334b "no, by Zeus," 337a "Heracles!," 340a "Yes, by Zeus," 344d "When Thrasymachus {read fool poudendum} had said this, he had it in mind to go away, just like a bathman," 345b "By Zeus," 350e "by Zeus." That was all just from Book 1. Need more, fool poudendum? Read the d*mn book.] ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ---------- 3.14159: what a fool you are ---------- 3.14159: yes? ---------- 3.14159: anything? ---------- poudendum: are you comparing yourself to socrates? ---------- 3.14159: YES! ---------- poudendum: are you the kdice gadfly ---------- 3.14159: what a win! ---------- poudendum: lololol ---------- 3.14159: i clobbered poud again ---------- 3.14159: he runs away and gives me the victory ---------- 3.14159: beautiful ---------- poudendum: where am i running ---------- 3.14159: changed the subject SO fast after i told you about the republic.. ---------- 3.14159: it makes heads spin ---------- poudendum: socrates exclaims like what? ---------- poudendum: give me an example from the republic ########## ########## [Note: See above.] ---------- 3.14159: i'll do that in my review of you ---------- 3.14159: how about that? ---------- poudendum: you mis-spoke ---------- poudendum: that is why i did not understand you ---------- 3.14159: i can give you 50 or 100 examples then ---------- 3.14159: you are a chat jerk and an idiot, poud--admit it ---------- 3.14159: being a chat jerk is the crime... ---------- poudendum: see you around false intellect ########## [Note: A phony sign-off just like the phony fool poudendum.] ---------- 3.14159: being an idiot is not entirely your fault, poud ---------- 3.14159: you just don't read ---------- poudendum: i pointed out a foolish move on your part and you started calling me names ---------- Lavve: two years in jail ---------- poudendum: like a little boy ---------- 3.14159: ah, so he ADMITS he only said it about ME ---------- poudendum: what place did you come in last game? ---------- 3.14159: see? THAT is the chat jerk part ---------- 3.14159: he didn't comment on ALL bad plays ---------- 3.14159: just mine ---------- poudendum: you jumped all over my in the chat immediately ########## [Note: fool poudendum, THAT was a typo--"my" instead of "me." Educated yourself. READ something.] ---------- poudendum: i stopped watching the game ---------- 3.14159: i knew what you did--immediately ---------- poudendum: you are a sensitive pie boy ---------- 3.14159: plus, your "lol" leaves you open to that, fool poud ---------- 3.14159: be a rude chat jerk, fool poud, and expect to be called a chat jerk ---------- poudendum: one little observation and you get nice and tight ########## [Note: "One little observation." Chat jerks are always backing away like weasels and saying "it is just a game" or "chill" or "lighten up"--anything other than what they should do which is stop being chat jerks.] ---------- poudendum: what place did you come in pie? ---------- poudendum: don't want to answer the question ---------- 3.14159: fool poud wants to be a chat jerk without being called a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: tough ---------- poudendum: you are scared to answer ########## [Note: "Scared to answer"? Wow. What a fool fool poudendum is to think that or, more likely, try it out as a rhetorical device.] ---------- poudendum: let's try this again for dense ---------- 3.14159: scared! i am shaking about it ---------- poudendum: what place did you come in? ---------- 3.14159: 4th? ---------- 3.14159: i don't know ---------- poudendum: don't even know how you finished ---------- poudendum: that's a sign of intelligence ---------- 3.14159: no matter my place or what move i made, YOURS was the chat jerk move ---------- 3.14159: that is all ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- poudendum: You can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better ---------- poudendum: you can't answer a simple question ########## [Note: That is a weasel lawyer trick--"what did you have for breakfast yesterday?" "I don't know" "SEE! He is an unreliable witness!" What a weasel fool poudendum is. Wisdom, truth, beauty, and justice mean less than nothing to him.] ---------- poudendum: that's reallysad ---------- 3.14159: teaching a dog is EASIER than trying to find evidence that poud has brains ---------- poudendum: thought you had a little more going on ---------- poudendum: ok...let's try this again ---------- 3.14159: did i not answer? 4th ---------- poudendum: you did not come in 4th ---------- RapSac: yo people ---------- 3.14159: and where are we now? ---------- RapSac: go to icq ---------- 3.14159: 5th? ---------- RapSac: and discuss there ---------- RapSac: in private ---------- 3.14159: and NOW where are we ---------- RapSac: and go hug eachother ---------- poudendum: ok yellow...we will go hug it out elsewhere ;) ---------- poudendum: miss you already pie boy ---------- 3.14159: *hugging RapSac* ---------- Badshah has left ---------- RapSac: :) ---------- 3.14159: bye fool poud ---------- poudendum: bye ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-07-28 poudendum, the chat jerk, responded to my review of him (which he HATED because it contained all his own words): "Flirted with all the men at the kdice table" That is it. That is what poudendum came up with in the face of my devastating him twice in the chat game. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-07-28 poudendum is a chat jerk--again. I had forgotten about poudendum, but, thankfully, he had NOT forgotten about me. poudendum must have REALLY HATED my previous review of him because it contained his own words. Rather than change his ways, poudendum continues to be a chat jerk EVEN KNOWING THAT I WOULD POST HIS WORDS AGAIN. poudendum did clean up his act slightly in response to my beating him so badly before: he cussed less this time. Still, in poudendum's case, a chat jerk is a chat jerk and always will be. All chat below is verbatim as always (as poudendum knows from before). poudendum is teal, I am yellow. ++++++++++ poudendum: do you flag yel? ---------- 3.14159: no thanks ---------- poudendum: hahaha ---------- poudendum: ok ---------- poudendum: are you still a pedophile ########## [Note: HERE poudendum starts up his chat jerk work.] ---------- poudendum: ? ---------- koki1212: world war ---------- 3.14159: do you still take glee in using women's body parts as names? ---------- 3.14159: though misspelled ---------- poudendum: yes ---------- 3.14159: it was a rhetorical question :) ---------- poudendum: so why did you defend sandusky? ########## [Note: poudendum is so please with himself in his keeping up with the news. "Sandusky" he throws out to reassure himself that he is clever after all. He is mistaken.] ---------- poudendum: i think there is something wrong with that ---------- 3.14159: when did i do that? ---------- 3.14159: speak up, teal ---------- 3.14159: when was it ---------- 3.14159: ? ---------- 3.14159: don't know? ---------- 3.14159: we thought not ---------- 3.14159: you are simply a liar and not a very good one ---------- 3.14159: and a chat jerk to boot ---------- poudendum: just play the game ########## [Note: This is my favorite kind of response from the chat jerks I have called out over the years--the chat jerk whines, cries, complains, or demands what smarter people than they would call "regular order." That is, the chat jerk violates community norms and then unaware but hypocritical nonetheless demands that everyone else follow the community norms. I love that; it so starkly shows off their selfishness and complete lack of self-awareness.] ---------- poudendum: i don't like you views on things ...like that ---------- 3.14159: speak up, teal--fill the chat with your wisdom ---------- poudendum: i don't like to talk about that it's gross dude ---------- 3.14159: your wisdom is gross? how humble of you ---------- poudendum: play ########## ---------- poudendum: don't talk ########## ---------- 3.14159: speak up, teal, YOU spoke up first ---------- 3.14159: embarrassed now? ---------- poudendum: no ---------- poudendum: i told you ---------- poudendum: i am against that stuff ---------- 3.14159: you HATE people pointing out that you are a chat jerk ---------- poudendum: green 2nd ---------- poudendum: red 3rd ---------- poudendum: ok red 3rd [Note: poudendum meant "2nd" here because green couldn't stand poudendum and quit the game.] ---------- 3.14159: green couldn't stand you, teal ---------- 3.14159: no one can ---------- 3.14159: embarrassed yet? ---------- poudendum: this is going to be fun to cut you down ---------- poudendum: slowly ---------- poudendum: slowly ---------- poudendum: slowly ---------- poudendum: attack ---------- poudendum: by ---------- poudendum: attack ---------- poudendum: copt ---------- poudendum: chop ---------- poudendum: chop ---------- poudendum: chop ---------- 3.14159: slow and steady wins the race they say ---------- poudendum: shut up ########## [Note: I win.] ---------- 3.14159: you aren't going very slowly, teal ---------- poudendum: don't try to be nice now ---------- poudendum: you are gross ---------- 3.14159: "shut up"!!!!! i win ---------- 3.14159: i win the chat game! ---------- poudendum: chop ---------- poudendum: chop ---------- poudendum: chop ---------- 3.14159: Dear Readers, teal just handed me the game by saying "shut up" ---------- poudendum: i don't talk to people who support that type of stuff ---------- Dj GlowStix: lol ---------- poudendum: i got you red [Note: poudendum is helping red against me.] ---------- koki1212: this will not end well ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks are mercurial sometimes ---------- poudendum: and intransigent ---------- poudendum: and ethereal ---------- poudendum: and diaphonous ---------- poudendum: hahaha ---------- 3.14159: no, not intransigent--they have no staying power--thus mecurial ---------- Dj GlowStix: wow ---------- poudendum: got you ---------- poudendum: don't worry ---------- Dj GlowStix: so what does this have to do with anything ---------- poudendum: and the priest were innocent too right ########## [Note: Something seems to be on poudendum's small mind, Dear Readers.] ---------- poudendum: ???? ---------- poudendum: you jerk ---------- Dj GlowStix: are you saying that teal is a pervert [Note: Dj Glowstix either typed teal by mistake or isn't following the chat carefully enough; poudendum is the one interested in talking about perversion and I never do--see above.] ---------- 3.14159: you are the chat jerk, teal--too late to claim different ---------- poudendum: listen to him ---------- Dj GlowStix: what does "Chat Jerk" Mean ---------- 3.14159: red, your reading skills need help--TEAL brought that subject up as you will see in his review ---------- poudendum: he clips the dirty stuff about children out of his messages ---------- 3.14159: what happened to green, teal? ---------- poudendum: he is a wack job ---------- 3.14159: why did he leave? ---------- poudendum: red ---------- poudendum: hand in there ---------- poudendum: you get second ---------- 3.14159: hand in there ---------- Dj GlowStix: k ---------- poudendum: but jerks must suffer a little longer ---------- 3.14159: take your time, teal--you chat jerks can't get enough ---------- poudendum: just a few more rounds red ---------- Dj GlowStix: hahahahah ---------- 3.14159: please beg red for his understanding, teal ---------- Dj GlowStix: lol ---------- poudendum: he clips peoples chat ########## [Note: See, Dear Readers? poudendum did all this KNOWING his words would appear in his reviews.] ---------- 3.14159: explain yourself more to red ---------- poudendum: and then posts it and edits and comments out of context ---------- 3.14159: copy and paste, teal--copy and paste ---------- Dj GlowStix: what does that mean clip ---------- poudendum: says something to get it going ########## [Note: poudendum is a fan of the "big lie"; see above for when poudendum started all of this. My policy is that if I recall that a chat jerk is playing in a game I am playing in then I will not chat first at him. In this case I had completely forgotten about poudendum, but one could tell immediately that poudendum was a chat jerk anyway.] ---------- poudendum: do you feel it coming??? ---------- poudendum: jerk?? ---------- poudendum: you perverted jerk ---------- 3.14159: i feel the review that you will HATE coming, yes ---------- poudendum: right ---------- poudendum: the doctored one ########## [Note: Oh how poudendum wishes that were so.] ---------- 3.14159: it will contain all your words--you HATE that ---------- poudendum: you do that all the time ---------- poudendum: i hate people who support evil deeds ---------- 3.14159: you hate yourself? ---------- 3.14159: too bad ---------- poudendum: ok ---------- poudendum: time to die ---------- 3.14159: but you deserve your own hatred ---------- 3.14159: gg all but teal ---------- poudendum: you are weird dude ---------- 3.14159: green had some sense of disgust to leave your orbit ---------- poudendum: you can read minds ---------- 3.14159: he was about to throw up by being near you, teal ---------- poudendum: delusional perv ---------- poudendum: no one ever leaves kdice games ---------- 3.14159: poudendum is a chat jerk of the "you perv" type ---------- poudendum: see how bad your logic is ---------- 3.14159: there aren't very many of those, but he is one ---------- poudendum: so you know why green left ---------- 3.14159: the "perv" thread is throughout this chat ---------- poudendum: let's test you ---------- poudendum: hey ---------- poudendum: why did green leave? ---------- poudendum: come on big shot ########## [Note: I love the resentment expressed here. poudendum's views is "who are YOU, 3.14159, to call me out for my bad behavior?" The problem with that is that he thinks NO ONE should call him out--he wants to be a chat jerk but have no repercussions. I say: Not when I am at the table.] ---------- poudendum: now you don't answer ---------- poudendum: that's what i thought ---------- 3.14159: busy with your review ---------- poudendum: hahahha ---------- koki1212: -_- ---------- poudendum: you won't leave your contradiction out ---------- poudendum: will you??? ---------- 3.14159: it just takes a moment to cut and paste your words that you HATE ---------- poudendum: tell us why green left in the review ---------- 3.14159: sure, why not ---------- poudendum: you fake intellect ########## [Note: Again, I love that poudendum here expresses his resentment for what he considers to be my self-regard. But my feelings do not matter; if poudendum were not a chat jerk he would not have to deal with me at all. Simple.] ---------- 3.14159: whine some more, poudendum--it sounds lovely ---------- 3.14159: cry some more, poudendum ---------- 3.14159: it is music to my ears, you chat jerk ---------- poudendum: done talking to someone who supports pedophiles dude ---------- poudendum: done ---------- 3.14159: "done"!!!! another win for me ---------- koki1212: ileft because i didnt know that if you are away after 4 turns you leave ---------- Dj GlowStix: lol i read it ---------- poudendum: wowowow ---------- poudendum: wowowowoww ---------- poudendum: hahahahah ---------- poudendum: come on ---------- poudendum: green big thinker you ---------- poudendum: you know it all ########## [Note: Once again poudendum's innermost feeling is revealed: resentment that someone thinks he is better than poudendum. I AM better than poudendum since he is a chat jerk; I am NOT better than the 97%+ Kdicers who are NOT chat jerks. Simple.] ---------- Dj GlowStix: cant too many points ---------- poudendum: be a man and admit you were wrong ---------- poudendum: here is your chance ---------- poudendum: green just told you why he left ---------- poudendum: be a man ---------- 3.14159: i am wrong all the time, but not about you being a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: you are a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: you are like the rats and cockroaches we have to learn to live with, poudendum ---------- 3.14159: we can't eliminate you entirely ---------- 3.14159: you make everywhere you go worse, poudendum ---------- poudendum: you're repetitive ---------- poudendum: say something original ---------- 3.14159: you are one of the 3% ---------- poudendum: weird dude ---------- 3.14159: kdice would be better if you never played again ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++ ++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-06-13 poudendum is a chat jerk and web boy. All chat below is verbatim as always. poudendum is teal, I am green. ++ ++++++++ SoLaRiaN: nice start ---------- SoLaRiaN: i cant move ---------- SoLaRiaN: lol ---------- SoLaRiaN: brown ---------- SoLaRiaN: what the hell are you waiting for? ---------- poudendum: that's what i was wondering ---------- HSAI: waiting for u attrack me ---------- SoLaRiaN: i wont attack you ---------- poudendum: well i am wearing nice cologne ---------- poudendum: purp is going to crush you brown ---------- poudendum: then the rest of us ---------- pinguaan: well, that's the idea :D ---------- poudendum: hahahah ---------- HSAI: 4 times 1 nice ---------- SoLaRiaN: looool ---------- poudendum: hahahahaha ---------- poudendum: some fucked up dice ########## ---------- poudendum: there goes me now ---------- poudendum: oh well ---------- poudendum: didn't expect you to attack me blue ---------- poudendum: hahahah ---------- SoLaRiaN: i cant do other thing teal ---------- poudendum: purp is running with this ---------- poudendum: all because of faggot brown ########## [Note: "Faggot" marks poudendum as a chat jerk immediately.] ---------- SoLaRiaN: yes ---------- pinguaan: brown is awesome! ---------- 3.14159: great, teal turns out to be a stupid chat jerk ---------- SoLaRiaN: nice game brown ---------- SoLaRiaN: go to play tetris please ---------- 3.14159: one of the 3% ---------- poudendum: i wouldn't care if i was a minority of 1 ########## ---------- 3.14159: of course not--chat jerks only care about themselves, right teal, you chat jerk? ---------- poudendum: chat jerk, what are you 5 years old? ---------- SoLaRiaN: why you said this green? ---------- poudendum: and look whose chatting now ---------- 3.14159: poudendum speaks! "all because of faggot brown" ---------- poudendum: shut the fuck up ########## ---------- 3.14159: THAT is a chat jerk--"faggot" is their favorite word ---------- poudendum: put a big fat cock in that mouth ########## ---------- 3.14159: THAT is also a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: teal is a complete and total chat jerk and web boy ---------- poudendum: yes, i am a champion keyboard jockey ---------- 3.14159: he is like the rats and cockroaces... ---------- 3.14159: cockroaches ---------- poudendum: yes, that come up from the sewers in camus "le peste" ---------- 3.14159: we can't eliminate them, we have to learn to live with them ---------- poudendum: you are such a genius ---------- 3.14159: but we can try to keep them under control... ---------- poudendum: yes, with your nerd breath ---------- poudendum: that should help ---------- 3.14159: or at least point at them and say "rats, cockroach" ---------- poudendum: didn't get the reference to camus did you? ---------- poudendum: you are a dumb dick ########## ---------- 3.14159: poudendum is one of the 3% who make kdice worse ---------- poudendum: why are you always picking on the 3 percent ---------- 3.14159: we will always have poudendum's and other chat jerks ---------- poudendum: you big bad internet bully ---------- 3.14159: it can't be helped ---------- poudendum: what a wise nerd you are ---------- SoLaRiaN: hahah ---------- SoLaRiaN: nice restack ---------- SoLaRiaN: omg ---------- SoLaRiaN: flag 2 ---------- 3.14159: he is just a very uninteresting version of the type ---------- pinguaan: gg ---------- poudendum: gg ---------- poudendum: hey what room are you going to 3 ########## [Note: Here is the part where the chat jerk pretends to enjoy the scrutiny he is under.] ---------- poudendum: i want to keep hanging out with you ---------- poudendum: you are sooooooooooo smart ---------- poudendum: it turns me on [Note: This is the part where the chat jerk hopes to shock people with a sexual chat response.] ---------- 3.14159: and you know what chat jerks like poudendum REALLY hate? ---------- poudendum: oohhh tell me ---------- 3.14159: they HATE having their jerkiness pointed out... ---------- poudendum: point all you want big boy ---------- 3.14159: and posted as a review with verbatim chat ---------- 3.14159: they HATE that ---------- 3.14159: poudendum will never forget this day ---------- poudendum: yes, yes, post on my wall ########## [Note: I love this part. The chat jerk, knowing everything is out of his control, pretends to WANT scrutiny. This is SO delicious: their craven crawling.] ---------- 3.14159: it will haunt him forever ---------- poudendum: hahaha ---------- poudendum: you are a big fucking NERD ########## ---------- 3.14159: he will always HATE this day ---------- poudendum: post that on your board ---------- 3.14159: he already can't get over it ---------- 3.14159: he is already in my power ---------- poudendum: yes, my fingers are sweating ---------- 3.14159: it is so wonderful ---------- poudendum: i am nervous ---------- 3.14159: thank you poudendum for making my day ---------- poudendum: the internet big bad tough guy is making me nervous ---------- poudendum: my day would equal your whole life nerd ########## [Note: This part is also great. Now the chat jerk defends his self-image. The chat jerks completely reverses himself and shifts from the "bring it on, I don't care, what a joke" attitude and now says in panicky, screeching defense "I am better than ALL of you." Pathetic isn't it, Dear Readers.] ---------- poudendum: and you know it ---------- 3.14159: *dancing* Yes, another chat victory! ---------- poudendum: that's what nerds hate being pointed out ---------- poudendum: and you know it ---------- poudendum: you have been a loosing nerd your whole life ---------- 3.14159: Dear Readers, poudendum doth protest too much ---------- 3.14159: "loosing"? ---------- 3.14159: what is "loosing"? ---------- poudendum: yes, i was talking about your asshole that is loose ########## [Note: Something on poudendum's mind? He keeps circling the same sexual theme for some reason.] ---------- poudendum: big fat keyboard nerd ---------- 3.14159: another winner from the chat jerk/poudendum vocabulary list! ---------- poudendum has left ---------- poudendum is here ---------- 3.14159: will poudendum hit all 10? poudendum: last word ---------- 3.14159: and note how juvenile poudendum's name is ---------- 3.14159: what a silly boy
3.14159 on Monday November 5, 2012 Boatracer is also known as Superownage and Poudendum.
Beethoven on Tuesday October 30, 2012 |