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Holly Molly wrote
at 9:08 PM, Friday October 29, 2010 EDT
Gurgi wrote
at 6:13 PM, Sunday September 5, 2010 EDT
LifyaUrstie wrote
at 7:19 PM, Friday August 27, 2010 EDT
OH GURGI it's been too long!
senilefelines wrote
at 2:44 PM, Tuesday August 24, 2010 EDT
Gurgiliciousssssssssss <3
purplechick wrote
at 6:27 PM, Monday August 23, 2010 EDT
I dunno ... starting to think this gift was false advertising. should i look behind bushes??
purplechick wrote
at 10:58 AM, Wednesday August 18, 2010 EDT
For me? for me? for me???

Do tell!
MrsBrightside wrote
at 7:08 AM, Wednesday August 18, 2010 EDT
<3 *gives a cookie* Cos i'm sooo nice and all :P
Oh anddddd *hugs back* ^_^
Gurgi wrote
at 12:06 PM, Saturday August 7, 2010 EDT

i understand how scissors can beat paper, and i get how a rock can beat scissors, but there's no fucking way paper can beat rock. is paper supposed to magically wrap around rock and leave it immobile? why can't paper do this to people? why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they take notes in class? i'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody. a rock would tear that shit up in 2 seconds. when i play rock paper scissors, i always choose rock. then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper i can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh shit i'm sorry, i thought paper would protect you, you asshole.
Gurgi wrote
at 11:04 AM, Saturday August 7, 2010 EDT
Gurgi's turn
the full monte defeated 5v6, 17 to 13, (2,1,5,5,4 to 2,2,1,2,2,4)
the full monte defeated 5v8, 28 to 25, (5,6,6,6,5 to 3,5,2,3,1,5,2,4)

Gurgi: flag it now
the full monte: i dont care
TheCinders wrote
at 11:57 PM, Thursday July 22, 2010 EDT
*puts words here cuz she can*
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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