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« First ‹ Previous Replies 21 - 30 of 66 Next › Last »
TheCinders wrote
at 12:22 PM, Friday September 18, 2009 EDT
*comes by. sits on your wall and eats crackers. gets crumbs everywhere. jumps down and wanders off somewhere...*
TheCinders wrote
at 9:20 PM, Monday September 7, 2009 EDT
omg you brat!! *puts ice down inside you flannel rocketship jammies* >:D
Lei wrote
at 10:24 PM, Tuesday September 1, 2009 EDT
Better luck this month syepants!! xx
TheCinders wrote
at 11:21 PM, Tuesday August 25, 2009 EDT
TheCinders wrote
at 8:41 PM, Tuesday August 18, 2009 EDT
Lei wrote
at 5:40 PM, Thursday August 6, 2009 EDT
*sheds fur on sye's wall*
TheCinders wrote
at 10:09 PM, Saturday July 25, 2009 EDT
Hey syecakes... what did you think of the movie?
TheCinders wrote
at 7:31 PM, Monday July 6, 2009 EDT
ty for helping me get rid of my headache Sye...
who knew Lex was the cure??
TheCinders wrote
at 11:43 PM, Monday June 29, 2009 EDT
*bites sye*
kellykellymoore wrote
at 6:07 PM, Monday June 1, 2009 EDT
Hey Sye! Great job this month. Just wanted to tell you thanks for bein' there when I needed you. You're a good friend. Hugs..KKM
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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