Level 57
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Yep, can't be trusted. Ploys observed: 1. Attacks through a lower flag. "Oh, I didn't notice." 2. If someone calls him on it, he'll claim the accuser is trying to use reverse psychology. If you want to be this guy's partner, demand a hard flag first. If you don't get it within one turn, assume a high threat level and play accordingly. Get him first if you can. ... He's also been playing for many months, so he obviously doesn't care who knows any of this.
Bugaboo-X on Friday April 25, 2008
Truces first place, only later to attack when everyone is gone.
BombaRed on Friday April 25, 2008
EVRYONE who has commented on him is right, he will truce you to get you to stop attacking him then stab you in the back when it is most convient for him. DONT TRUST! DESTROY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
killerdice23 on Saturday April 19, 2008
Makes truces and, while you fight, he builds up a bank of dice, then stabs you in the back.
ScottMShack on Sunday February 3, 2008
SOJQ uses blatant truces to lure others into not attacking him simply for point gain. He is dishonest and has no honor. Mike
Mike_Mike on Saturday February 2, 2008
unpolite, uses swarewords
chiton on Thursday January 24, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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