Level 41
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Sorry you feel the way of your post, subharmonic; personally I try my hardest to be as fair and noble as those playing will permit
King Rabbit on Tuesday October 14, 2008
He says he "will flag" when you're 1st, and after you keep him alive and let him build up, he backstabs you and helps your opponent instead. his excuse- because you were losing to him already. don't trust him basically.
ctrlv on Tuesday October 7, 2008
great guy, remembers favours, has honour... true warrior :D
guerillagorilla on Monday September 8, 2008
Motto doesn't collude with me. he is innocent.
subharmonic on Saturday September 6, 2008
PGA with motto
fingy on Saturday September 6, 2008
subharmonic: blue, i want to be 2nd.......shit like this has ruined kdice forever
I Hate Flags on Friday September 5, 2008
PGA, Trucebreaker, Farmer - anything to add ? :)
UpmaxM on Tuesday September 2, 2008
PGA bitch
draynor on Wednesday August 27, 2008
trucebreaker, PGA, attacks flags and farms; rude on top; don't hate him, really he is something to pity rather
noworse on Saturday August 23, 2008
Totaly unfair player, dont respect flags
Grisu on Thursday August 7, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary