
poker is good
Overview Wall About
About: Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6h, 9d]
johnyrcz raises $1,500
odnexa1 calls
Dealing flop: [Td, Jd, 8s]
odnexa1 checks
johnyrcz bets $3,000
odnexa1 raises $6,000
johnyrcz calls
Dealing turn: [Qd]
odnexa1 checks
johnyrcz bets $3,000
odnexa1 raises $6,000
johnyrcz calls
Dealing river: [Kd]
odnexa1 bets $1,000
johnyrcz raises $36,000
odnexa1 raises $80,500
johnyrcz calls
johnyrcz shows [6h, 9d] for a straight flush King high
odnexa1 shows [7d, Ad] for a straight flush Ace high
odnexa1 wins main pot $191,000

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, As]
ohrchen folds
cards00 calls
hispanik calls
rocothomas calls
Twoballz13 folds
johnyrcz raises $5,000
cards00 sits out
cards00 folds
hispanik folds
rocothomas calls
Dealing flop: [Qs, Ah, Ad]
johnyrcz checks
rocothomas bets $14,000
johnyrcz calls
Dealing turn: [2s]
johnyrcz checks
rocothomas bets $19,000
BeNi_22 takes a seat
johnyrcz calls
Dealing river: [Qd]
johnyrcz bets $5,000
rocothomas calls
rocothomas shows [8d, 9d] for two pair, Aces and Queens
johnyrcz shows [Ac, As] for four Aces
johnyrcz wins main pot $90,500
City: Strakonice
Country: Czech Republic
Sex: Male

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