Level 32
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stupid kretin ignores flags, - kills for fun did not let roll for low place with 1 lands - just killed in move we agreed to roll. Pure kid.
NO_VFS on Thursday July 8, 2010
stupid fucking asshole who cant figure out that if you flag to someone you cant finish above them. likes to call people "niggers" and then say they have a "low iq" when hes the one that is wrong...... green flags to red....... hes blue and says "green ill fight red for 1st and you can have 2nd either way"......... HEY FUCKING MORON, GREEN CANT HAVE 2ND IF RED IS FLAGS 2ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kaneda_z on Friday June 4, 2010
Cunt of Player he flags me builds and then attacks me after i had promised him second ....scum of the earth...hope he dies a slow death
Hiyooo on Monday May 24, 2010
soplapollas!, aprendre mas idiomas y no rabies cuando vayas perdiendo, marica.
trackder on Thursday May 20, 2010
attacks just one turn after he flags. crappest man i ever seen there.
4-8-15-16-23-42 on Sunday May 16, 2010
dont respect flags. and then say something like: oooh, didnt see.
Julo_ on Sunday May 16, 2010
pga with benjandy. admitted in the chatbox by benjandy, and by benjandy in my reviews.
evilsamurai on Saturday May 8, 2010
fair player.
kekse on Saturday May 8, 2010
Real idiot... indeed a shitface loser ...
Rageddemon on Sunday March 21, 2010
Borne to roll. Nice but brainless or simply strange crap. Reformator of kdice
truj on Friday March 19, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary