Level 56
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2012-06-22 MordredKLB reviewed me: "Congrats on your recent chat(?) victory!" Thank you, thank you, you are too kind--no autographs. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-06-22 Another chat win for me! MordredKLB HATES my reviews of him because they use his own words and deeds, but he is half-clever enough not to say so directly for fear of looking weak and losing the chat game. Ironic, eh? MordredKLB has now passed from the fist stage of responses where guys like him say "too much time on his hands" to the phase where they pretend to LIKE the reviews and ask for more. Needless to say, Dear Readers, that is another chat win for me. Here are the most recent reviews left by MordredKLB, one of me and one of himself (please note that he took the time now to respond in BOTH accounts--though they contradict each other--no wasting time there, right?): (1) his review of me "Keep it up! This is great non-obsessive stuff here. I'm gonna start directing people to your Reviews page if they want to know even more about me. Just make sure to keep quoting my stuff so that I don't have to worry about it getting overwritten" and (2) his review of himself "3.1459 seems like he has a lot of time on his hands." Unfortunately, Kdicers already know enough about MordredKLB from just playing at the same table with him--no need to see my reviews. Just consider my reviews the "paper of record." ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-06-21 MordredKLB reviewed me in response to my review of him: "Holy crap man, you need a blog. Seriously. Even I got bored reading through that wall of text you posted." MordredKLB's self-defeating words immediately jump out at us, Dear Readers: "[e]ven I" and "wall of text." By saying "even I," MordredKLB implies that he is the last guy we should expect to get bored by reading my review of him, but then he says "wall of text" as if my review is incomprehensibly long! You, Dear Readers, made it all the way through it without wheezing and collapsing. Given that fact, MordredKLB is deluding himself if he thinks HE is the one guy we should expect to NOT be bored but who somehow WAS bored. Oh, well--we already knew that MordredKLB lacked self-awareness. But please note that since MordredKLB said "seriously," we know he must be speaking from the heart; we could not have expected him to be so moved by my review. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++ ++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-06-11 MordredKLB is Level 50 and is so used to the spoken and unspoken truces on the higher tables that he CANNOT BELIEVE that anyone would fight him when he is comfortably ahead in 1st. All chat below is verbatim as always. MordredKLB is red, I am teal. ++++++++++ [Note: MordredKLB has a big lead early in the game. I make a move to reduce his chances of winning, though I expect him to win anyway--his lead was that big.] ---------- MordredKLB: why come after me teal? ---------- 3.14159: i checked the rules, red... ---------- 3.14159: if you win... ---------- 3.14159: i can't win ---------- 3.14159: but had you told me we were supposed to let you win... ---------- MordredKLB: yes, but i don't think you can win coming after me ---------- 3.14159: i would have complied ---------- 3.14159: ah, so i should bow to the inevitable? ---------- MordredKLB: didn't say that ---------- 3.14159: i know you didn't--that is why i am asking ---------- [Note: MordredKLB's lead in 1st gets even bigger.] ---------- 3.14159: NOW should i bow to the inevitable, red? ---------- tghGaz: I thought it was pretty cool teal, going after the big guy despite your size ########## [Note: See? The fun of the game is the fights not the flagging. tghGaz gets it.] ---------- 3.14159: you Level 50 type guys are SO used to unspoken (and spoken) truces that you can't play without them ---------- 3.14159: pitiful ---------- MordredKLB: lol ---------- MordredKLB: wtf? ---------- 3.14159: "wtf?" really? ---------- 3.14159: you don't understand? ---------- MordredKLB: was there a truce here? ---------- prodoc: red i'll flag ---------- MordredKLB: ty ---------- MordredKLB: you made a bad play teal [Note: A bad play for HIM. MordredKLB can't imagine playing any other way than the way he plays, can't imagine goals within Kdice beyond his own goals.] ---------- 3.14159: nevermind, red--this is too tough for you, i understand ---------- MordredKLB: which was why i qauestioned it ########## [Note: MordredKLB and all the guys like him always say they are just commenting on a bad play. Baloney. They only comment on bad plays that hurt THEM.] ---------- 3.14159: okay, now red continues trying to win in chat rather than on the table ---------- 3.14159: yuck ---------- MordredKLB: umm ---------- MordredKLB: i think i've won on the table ---------- 3.14159: exactly! ---------- prodoc: flag blue ---------- MordredKLB: sorry that i talk ---------- MordredKLB: and try and help people ########## [Note: Dear Readers, do any of you believe MordredKLB when he says he is trying to "help people" with his comments? One MAJOR problem with that notion is, again, that he only comments on plays that affect HIM. Also, he never just sits as an observer at a table and offers tips to all the players; THAT would be evidence of trying to help people rather the more likely cases (using chat to win or intimidate or make excuses or be a jerk).] ---------- 3.14159: then why so pathetically try to win it in chat, too ---------- 3.14159: sure you are ---------- ersinka33: k ---------- 3.14159: i don't notice you helping ALL players--only the ones whose bad play hurt YOU ---------- 3.14159: then you care ---------- MordredKLB: lol ---------- MordredKLB: you're REALLY annoying, you know that? ########## [Note: MordredKLB has no sense of introspection. How annoying do you think HE thinks it is, Dear Readers, to tell players how to play but only when it is self-interested?] ---------- 3.14159: not as annoying as you upper level guys who want to tell everyone how to play... ---------- 3.14159: IF it has hurt them ---------- MordredKLB: don't sit out ---------- 3.14159: not at all, red ---------- 3.14159: typing ---------- MordredKLB: i want to kill you for wasting my time :) ---------- 3.14159: you are so self-UNaware ---------- 3.14159: "wasting my time"--red does realize he is playing Kdice, right? ---------- MordredKLB: you're cute ########## [Note: Not as cute as a Level 50 telling people how to play, of course. It would be beneath MordredKLB, apparently, to just play the game and win it or lose it. He must make people know in chat that he is better than they are; he is LEVEL 50, after all.] ---------- ersinka33: flag ---------- MordredKLB: ty blue ---------- 3.14159: you're dumb--so we have that going for each other ---------- ersinka33: red ---------- MordredKLB: silly brown ########## [Note: See, Dear Readers? MordredKLB can't stop himself EVEN WHEN he is under scrutiny for his bad behavior.] ---------- 3.14159: my goodness--red has no clue at al ---------- 3.14159: all ---------- 3.14159: "silly brown" he says ---------- MordredKLB: it was silly for him to flag ---------- 3.14159: "silly"--really? ---------- MordredKLB: yup ---------- MordredKLB: silly ---------- 3.14159: wow-- says red who IS PLAYING KDICE ---------- MordredKLB: end turn please ---------- 3.14159: see the forest once in awhile, red ---------- MordredKLB: hurry this up ---------- 3.14159: oh, sure--wouldn't want to slow down the great and powerful Mordred ---------- MordredKLB: learn to play ---------- MordredKLB: better luck next time pie ---------- 3.14159: learn to by more than sophomoric, red ---------- MordredKLB: you're usually not this annoying ---------- 3.14159: be ---------- 3.14159: not by ---------- MordredKLB has left ---------- 3.14159: when upper level guys try to tell people how to play BUT ONLY TO HELP THEMSELVES... ---------- 3.14159: it offends my sense of propriety
3.14159 on Friday June 22, 2012
nice and friendly player...
maniiii on Friday June 22, 2012
Good skilled player and nice guy. Fights for justice at his own risk. Was pleasure to play with.
Myst on Friday June 22, 2012
3.1459 seems like he has a lot of time on his hands.
MordredKLB on Friday June 22, 2012
pga with peacelover102
AngerIssues on Tuesday January 24, 2012
Good player and fair.
Bloodshot45's on Wednesday January 7, 2009
There are some players who can reach the top tables and have fun there without whining or accusing the others of PGA or complaining about the luck/rolls/starts... KLB is one of them.
nuflis on Thursday February 7, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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