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Nice guy.
AsOver8s on Wednesday January 14, 2009
REBUTTALS TO THE COMMENTS BELOW: Firstly, I just want to say that KDice is my favorite game online, offline, anywhere. This is evidenced by my almost 600 plays in October 08. I enjoy the rivalries and the mostly friendly people. I hate when people cheat and I get really annoyed with overly aggressive play that ruins my game especially when the overly aggressive player doesn't get dealt with by other players who are too timid to tread into their territory. Now, I have to admit, sometimes this results in my losing points just to mess up that aggressive person's game if I feel like they are taking away from my fun. And really that's why I come to this site, for fun. If my play makes people mad, sorry, I do always play as fairly as possible (like I said, I hate cheaters)but sometimes I have to "regulate" on people as Warren G might say and yeah, that can make people mad. Having said that LET ME BEGIN MY REBUTTALS, RHAKI, you are an awful player and it was an absolute pleasure defeating you... so thanks for that, NEXT, I wish Frankie would elaborate more on his comment. From my recollection, Frankie, himself was a bit of a wildcard, one of those dudes I spoke of earlier in this post that angers everyone in the game, spreading all over the place without reason. I probably focused too much of my anger on him, maybe even ruined his chances at 1st place, but, honestly, I could really care less about that. As far as the comment about "on a 100 map" I play the same everywhere so, I almost wrote sorry here, but I'm not, so I'd have to write soooaaaaarry in sort of a mocking sarcastic tone to really get across what I'm meaning. AND As far as Angelica goes (the next comment), I had fairly flagged for 2nd (no ninja style) and they kept coming for me instead of the person that they surrounded who only had one stack left, and yes it did lose me at least 1 position if not 2 if I remember correctly. AND as for Abernathy (3 comments below) NO PGA's ever, I beat this dude fair and square. AND I'm not sure what the final comments by Alter Ego and Vladimer are all about, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are just really whiny. To anybody in the future that posts something nice, thanks; and to those who chose to continue the whine machine, I will write a rebuttal about your comment, not that that means anything or that you'll ever see it.
BlaiseSeaworthy on Tuesday November 11, 2008
im disappointed.. u play like limp pudding.. no pleasure
RHAKI LE TIGRE on Monday November 10, 2008
Wow. very dirty player. surprising to see his kind so foul on a 100 map.
FrankieGoesNuts on Wednesday October 29, 2008
I don't understand your comment about me. I just didn't attack one of you... what is wrong with that? Did you lose points? No. Did you lose a position? No. So what?
angelica_73 on Monday October 20, 2008
horrible cheater. PGA.
Abernathy on Monday September 29, 2008
-1 (4vs4)
alter ego on Monday September 15, 2008
Ignores flags
Vladimer on Monday September 15, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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