![]() Level 54
to level 55 |
phidanAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. A really sad story...His extreme agoraphobia prevents him from going outside thus depriving him of much needed social interaction. While he attempts to salvage his social life by making friends in KDice, his little heart is broken when he realizes the entire table isn't there to sing kumbaya together. Really a sad state of affairs. Hope you get better buddy.
joosetin on Wednesday May 9, 2012 player with style
Monsanto on Tuesday May 8, 2012 good sportsmanship. respect.
DrunkDaShiVa on Thursday June 16, 2011 No sense of fun.
No 2 pencil on Wednesday June 15, 2011 Honorable player.
juicyj6789 on Tuesday June 14, 2011 Good trustworthy player
tomtomtom2007 on Saturday June 11, 2011 phidan is a good guy :D
i take my chance to thank oakcliff for being so entertaining. We all love your stupidity oakcliff and we will try to help you resolve your mental issue
salim on Friday June 10, 2011 this is entertaining
phidan on Tuesday June 7, 2011 2011-06-07 phidan reviewed me in his reviews: "lol... Oakliff, Your 100+ reviews all say the same thing. Congratulations on being annoying. Who in the world saves their chats?" Dear Readers, a new reader has joined you. Having read 100+ reviews of mine, phidan knows he is in good company with the other web boys, chat jerks, and bullies that I review. Dear Readers, who is a chat jerk and not a real world jerk? The cowards who tingle from the anonymity that the Internet provides. In real life, phidan THINKS of things he MIGHT get away with but he never does them. On Kdice he gets a thrill from being a chat jerk--the power he feels intoxicates him. We civilized, honorable players must just shake our heads when we see such as phidan and feel pity, that gentler form of scorn. As for style, Dear Readers, does phidan still use "lol" in that manner? Really? It seems so... 2000s. As to being annoying, does phidan discount to zero the annoyance value of his chat jerk comments; he must. And didn't phidan say he was going to MUTE me? We can only assume that he cannot bring himself to do it, that he MUST know what is being said by me and read by you. ++++++++++ 2011-06-06 phidan reviewed me: "I was right, you are stupid." Brevity is the soul of wit and all that? No, just a chat jerk expressing himself to the tiny extent that he knows how. ++++++++++ 2011-06-06 phidan wants to act but wants nothing to react. Didn't he take physics at Michigan? He is smart, right? I guess even smart guys can work at being chat jerks. phidan and other chat jerks reserve to themselves the right to comment on how everyone else should play and what their motives and goals should or shouldn't be. It isn't enough to beat us--they have to insult us, too. That is bad form and low class. Do one or the other, not both. Here is the chat--verbatim as always. ++++++++++ [Note: I made it to over 500 points and was forced off the 0 tables. As usual, I played on the 500 tables only to lose points. As usual, I gave fair warning that I would be quitting in Round 1 in order to have as minimal an affect on the game as possible. As usual, after I flagged out in 7th place, I stuck around for a minute to see the reaction. phidan had the unusual reaction of being a chat jerk about it.] ............... oakcliff: gg all ............... phidan: i hope he ate all the negative dom ............... oakcliff: it dropped me to 150 points ............... oakcliff: just what i wanted ............... phidan: ?? ............... oakcliff: ?? ............... phidan: why would you want that ............... oakcliff: it is a mystery all right ............... oakcliff: anyone? ............... oakcliff: come on, purple--you can figure this out ............... Carloos: awesome...thx for that restack...down there [Note: The game goes on while phidan and I chat.] ............... oakcliff: you went to Michigan, right? [Note: phidan's avatar is the U. of Michigan "M".] phidan: yes ............... phidan: i don't know why you would want to los tpoints ............... oakcliff: you must be smart--you HAVE this ............... oakcliff: come now, use more imagination ............... oakcliff: why would anyone want to lose points? ............... Carloos: i am going to flag brown... ............... Carloos: if you accepting ............... oakcliff: here is a hint: what happens when you GET points? ............... supercool: iACCEPT ............... hack10re: me too brown ............... supercool: kk teal ............... phidan: if the reason i syou want to play the 0 tables ............... phidan: that's stupid ########## [Note: Playing Kdice for medals isn't stupid; preferring the 0 tables is stupid. Got it.] ............... pooch723: flag brn ............... oakcliff: you didn't start with stupid--you started with "why would anyone etc." ............... Carloos: flag purp ............... phidan: k ............... oakcliff: this is harder, so i'll tell you: i prefer the 0 tables because all the other levels have too many spoken and unspoken truces ............... supercool: wp purple ............... phidan: lmao ............... Carloos: damn...was trying to out last blue... ............... oakcliff: lmao--rofl--lol--haha----pick one ............... phidan: ty brown for th help ............... Carloos: but not looking good ............... phidan: oakcliff ............... phidan: you are annoying ########## [Note: Mostly to chat jerks and web boys, but thanks.] ............... phidan: go back to the 0 tables ............... oakcliff: really? you aren't just saying that? ............... oakcliff: phidan: i hope he ate all the negative dom [Note: Quoting phidan so he can see it again.] ............... Carloos: ok...good luck i gues blue... ............... oakcliff: i took my cue from you, purple ............... pooch723: g;l ............... Carloos: here is for 4th.. ............... phidan: yeah ............... phidan: i'm gonna mute you ########## [Note: Too much to hope for, but okay.] ............... pooch723: no threat here teal, trying 3rd hard way ............... oakcliff: really? you mean it? ............... Carloos: ...and i get 5th... ............... Carloos: gg...guys ............... hack10re: k blue ............... phidan: blue?
oakcliff on Tuesday June 7, 2011 lol...
Oakliff, Your 100+ reviews all say the same thing. Congratulations on being annoying. Who in the world saves their chats?
phidan on Monday June 6, 2011 |