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HakapeciAequo Animo
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. A revenge orianted fucker, who only brave enough to open his mouth, when get luck... else way, he say vflag at round 2... lol. A pathetic & retarded sore loser, kick him, you will laugh :-) UPDATE: you be even more pathetic as first sight. :-) Hakapeci copypaste exactly the same comment what he deserved with his weak gameplay, PLUS lie about our little game, where he kicked out for insulting, getting his heroic 7th pos. :-) Loser + liar, awesome :-)
gursu on Saturday January 2, 2010 "kill him, you will laugh on that crybaby"
laugh ON? that crybaby?
your bad...
9steele9 on Thursday December 17, 2009 I always keep my given word, respect the accepted flags and avoid backstabbing at all cost. For the pathetic losers who come to cry here: Welcome mentally handicapped noobs, all these whining when I attack you is hilarious :-) You loser crybabies should better get a life, because even louder you cry, I even harder kill you in first order. :-) UPDATE: gursu, I wrote exactly that same review to you at September 15, LOL :D everybody can read it... need to say more? :-) You be pathetic
Hakapeci on Saturday November 7, 2009 it is sad to see, that persons who belong kept in a mental institutions are loose and spray their shit over the Internet. Total loser. He can't win a single point on his own. From round 1 he looks for a truce-chance and when he gets killed, he gives bad reviews to all players who score above him. Mentally ill person who uses an insulting language. Avoid or kill on sight. Another person with no real life.
Loser_krez on Saturday November 7, 2009 Total fake. Talks big and plays small. Very aggressive personallity so watch out cause u will be his "piglet." Not fun to play wiht and very disrespectful.
BostonMets5 on Wednesday November 4, 2009 Doesn't respect vflags, attacks flagged players, lies and back-stabs. Truly awful player. Avoid.
Freddie G on Tuesday September 8, 2009 never trust this pga asshole.
Pustekuchen on Monday September 7, 2009 Don't trust this guy, like ever.
Galvers on Sunday September 6, 2009 Doesnt respect flags
Pacu? on Sunday September 6, 2009 Doesnt respect flags, despite what he says...
MiTcH. on Sunday September 6, 2009 |