Level 37
to level 38


I'm the most charming thing to come out of America since Ronald McDonald
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elvissey on Wednesday February 3, 2010
one of those idiots who thinks there opinion matters to others and will start a fight over nothing, needs to grow the up
Juggal0 on Monday January 25, 2010
lame 1st / 2nd trucer
hullfandan on Thursday December 31, 2009
pga with some players
KampfBunny on Wednesday December 2, 2009
very kind dude. perfect to play with coz he likes to play not to hunt the points
DO3 on Saturday November 28, 2009
seems to be the consensus that this guy will flag and the immediately attack you saying that you shouldnt attack him because you'd be violating the flag... WATCH OUT FOR THIS GUY
farcyde21 on Friday November 13, 2009
is a rude dbag thats why i went back
StopWhaling on Thursday November 12, 2009
he had the audacity to give me a bogus review stating I went back on a flag, however this BOZO flagged to me...i accepted...and THEN he attacked me!!...this dude is crazy and a total horse's ass
4thedude on Wednesday November 4, 2009
dont know to understand what people in game whant after they flag to him. if u need to conect and u need 1 field from him, and that does nothing to him, he thinks u gonna kill him,,, allthough u have 5 fields, and he like 25 fields,,, he is dumb, and he admited he is FAGOT.... After that brown saw what is his behavior and took his first place...THE FAGOT IS IDIOT, he says he suck cocks and ass ;)
Sensei_Mata on Tuesday November 3, 2009
flagged, attacked when fighting for lower positions. Insane guy, no manners.
zaxxon on Tuesday October 27, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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