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continual abusive chat -chat Hero Of Time 6:19 PM, Wednesday February 27, 2013 EST

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Your evidence of me being a chat jerk is paper thin, my friend. Again, I find it highly likely that you won't believe a word I say, but I will try to explain this to you anyway. First, I accept that you never claimed to be an author. Mea culpa; that was another player. Next, I wasn't trying to "out" you in a sly way, I was merely greeting you by the name I know you by. I've never had a conversation with you under this user name, but it was obvious to me that it was the same user as oakcliff due to the rather lengthy reviews. The real point is that while my mention of books and of your other username MIGHT point to past wrongdoing, don't you think you're jumping rather quickly to conclusions?
Fingerbib on Tuesday July 24, 2012
good and honarable kdice player
Daniel Bender on Sunday July 15, 2012
You got rid of your review of me :( That makes me sad in the pants.
MordredKLB on Thursday July 12, 2012
hahahhahahaha watta total knob!!!!
No Cycling on Tuesday July 10, 2012
you dirty bastard. we can't say anythiiiiiinhg -,-
Josh 1991 on Monday June 18, 2012
gave me the wrong review friend :P
jocrlu on Thursday June 14, 2012
PGA with deadmoney1
deadmoney1 on Thursday June 14, 2012
hi pi guy, how's life?
Captain Falcon on Sunday May 27, 2012
3.14159: "i want to be rude and a jerk and then have no one say i am a rude jerk--is that too much to ask" says oranje This individual is legitimately crazy. Look at all my negative reviews, and I have to say for once, that I have met someone ACTUALLY insane. Where I pose and use my rants as entertainment, this person actually uses rants as real conversation. Most likely sometime of hoarder and was abused as a child. Dear Readers, if you know this person please have them committed ASAP.
oranje on Thursday April 19, 2012
This unfortunate soul probably has a mental disease or defect. If he loses and you try to comment on his play, he'll leave a 90-line negative review on your profile and label you a "chat jerk." He was the 1st or 2nd out, but stuck around because he was so offended that I commented that he essentially killed us both (me, when he attacked me, and him, for spreading so thin). At the risk of aggravating his mental condition, here's a tip: Don't spread too thin too early. [Notice the other comments below & on the next series of pages. Then tell me whether or not you think this guy is stable]
Gen. Patton on Saturday April 14, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary